Installation on QNAP

I am installing on a Qnap TS-453A (via docker). Previously when I have installed I have had a setup wizard when logging in for the first time but I do not get this? I’ve followed in the install guide also I have noticed unlike last time it has not detected my smart device. Screen shot of Home Screen.

Looks like you’re on a very, very old version. That’s probably why.

This is the version I am running, 0.65.5

If you install the latest version, then it should have the setup wizard.

As I’m using docker is this a simply pull command?

I think. However I don’t see anything in the setup wizard that you can’t configure later.

Spot on thanks. The Docker repository on my qnap said latest version but when I looked at the date it was from 2 years ago. Luckily the app has a pull section so I could easily get the current version.

FYI, in QNAP, when you search, it prefers it’s own docker images (there are only a few, and home assistant is in there). But you can also force it to search on docker hub. I am not in the dialog, but I think the docker hub is a further tab on the right. From docker hub, you can install the latest.

Yes this is exactly what I did. There own version is a little out of date but pulled version from docker works with no issue.

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I wonder how many people get tricked by that and then think HA 0.65 is what HA is like.

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+1 until i found this thread!

Image Name : homeassistant/home-assistant

Hi Guys,
I also got confused with this old container HA version.
Please give me some steps how to get the newest container from docker hub.

The answer is right above you. Look around a bit more in this thread, and you’ll find it.

You can find all TAG here:

Just go to IMAGE > PULL (upper right corner) on your Container station and add the last stable version. I personally choose homeassistant/home-assistant:stable

Then you can create Conainer from it.

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Thank you for this! I’ve been down several rabbit holes trying to get the the outdated version to work.