Installation on rpi

Just followed the guide for a new rpi installation here: (moving from an old pi to a 3)

Not being a linux ace I am running into some usability issues and I hope someone can give me some guidance.
My config is located in the home folder of user “homeassistant”.
I usually transfer my files to the pi using WinSCP but as the “homeassistant” user is a “system” user it seems I cannot login as that user. And logging in a Pi doesn’t allow me to write to that folder.

This all seems trivial, but I really liked editing files on my windows pc and then just transferring it all back to the pi. This now doesn’t seem to work anymore. Anyone some suggestions/best practices ?
Thanks !


I am using a sambe sharing to be able to change the config from my PC.
See How-To: Share a folder with a Windows computer from a Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi HQ

Maybe the wincp part on this page can help you out.

I setup an samba share which i think is even easier to access your pi.
You can watch this video for instructions for this.

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Thanks all. Going to try tonight !

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