Installation of Hassio on Synology NAS

I have this locally

ash-4.3# docker pull homeassistant/resinos-hassio:1.1-intel-nuc
1.1-intel-nuc: Pulling from homeassistant/resinos-hassio
Digest: sha256:e468f80c33b588ceb3d2efdb748e95e49da88c3a4c10c65fa0cd8d16373ba656
Status: Image is up to date for homeassistant/resinos-hassio:1.1-intel-nuc

ash-4.3# docker run -d --name=“home-assistant” -v /volume1/homeassistant/:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -p 8123:8123 homeassistant/resinos-hassio:1.1-intel-nuc
docker: Error response from daemon: No command specified.

not sure but no matter.the image should now be accessible in DSM so you may create container through gui

Yes… I tried that as well… it is basically missing the execution command…

I copied the one which is created by homeassistant/home-assistant (python -m homeassistant -config /config) but that didn’t work either… and gave it all the Path variables which is created by the above mentioned image as well…

Still I get an error “container undefined does not exist”

I had read that… my NAS is x86_64

But I think that is suggesting to use the hassio_install script? I had tried that but then I am missing socat and other packages… so I believe i will have to skip docker and then install all the dependencies manually before running the script?

I have even tried hassio_install script… but after much changes to script… it still fails as “systemctl” is not found on NAS.

i dont use except on some RasPi.
honestly i think running standard homeassistant will do fine for you. I beileve biggest benefit of was update software and docker takes care of that issue. the other items provided through plugins are easily implemented or where separate containers on OS anyway which are easily installed in docker.

Ok… So I am a bit confused now… So I should install homeassistant/home-assistant:latest ?

I understand that components are available for any install. The main plugin I require is homebridge for ios compatibility…

Which means I install some homebridge docker which will interact with the homeassistant docker?

hey @its

I think I’ve done what you’re trying to do. See

That should get you up-and-running.

Thanks… home-assistant is running fine via default docker image… I am trying to install which has the plugins ( on the left hand side menu) page etc to easily install addons like homebridge etc… within homeassistant

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Ah right. Yeah I’m struggling to get HASS IO on the Synology atm :frowning:

Hassio is in its base nothing but:
hassio-supervisor docker
homeassistant docker

You do not actually need the hostcontrol, it only does things like reboot/shutdown of the host.

Check this repo:

Read the install script:

It does some requirement checks, builds strings appropriate for your architechture and then install a couple of services. Those services start the supervisor docker and the hostcontrol, you only need the supervisor.
So if you can create a script which does the same as the hassio-start script here:
You are good to go.

I have managed to run hassio on my Asustor NAS this way.

Sorry I sent you into weeds.

Yes, I recommend regular HA and separate home bridge container.

I saw this recommended but i don’t use home bridge

I agree… As mentioned i had managed to get socat by entware etc… Just don’t know the last bit…

Is your Asustor NAS same as Synology i.e. no systemctld … if so , do you have ur config?

I am trying to figure out if they can talk to each other then? I am new to docker… And wondering if I install two separate docker… then can I simply goto the homeassistant yaml and add homebridge and it will work? I would have thought it won’t

Yes. Just add IP and Port in yaml

When create container you may define Port(s) on host it will be accessible.

Thanks… will try at home over the weekend…

I am actually confused now with my architecture… My Idea basically was

  1. Install Hassio
  2. Install plugin for HA on hassio
  3. Install devices on Hassio

Then homekit will be able to see everything… But I think this will not work?

Basic end game was to be able to use all devices on google assistant / google home as well as Siri / HomeKit…

I am guessing I will have to configure each device on both platforms individually (duplicate) or under hassio yaml as well as under the homebridge plugin config in the same yaml file?

So will be

  1. Install HA
  2. Install Homebridge plugin
  3. Configure device on HA and under homebridge (so that homekit can see it)
  4. enable google assistant component on HA.

Or go the otherway? i.e Install homebridge and have HA as a plugin to it? I am a bit confused to the end game scenario best for the above situation

I am wondering, why dosn’t HA have a homekit component?

Anyone who has done this scenario ??

Yep, the NAS uses init.d, so I created the startup scripts for that. I also had to install optware (or rather entware-ng) to be able to use bash and other linux tools. The NAS has it’s own brand of linux but I needed extra tools like wget. I will see if I can post my scripts here.

This might be a nice help for you as well:
That is for help with init.d, but that page is for installed hass instead of hassio

Thanks… If u have ur scripts lemme know as well…

Will play with the above in the meantime

I have somehow got supervisor and homeassistant to run now by running the start script commands in two separate terminals… haven’t figured out the start / stop script…

the scripts I ran were

/opt/bin/socat UNIX-LISTEN:/var/run/hassio-hc.sock,fork EXEC:/usr/bin/hassio-hc

And in another terminal


But I can see an issue already… once I am in the webpage … it has an error

The following components and platforms could not be set up:

Please check your config.

from the log

2018-01-13 22:51:23 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Client error on /supervisor/ping request Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Host is unreachable]
2018-01-13 22:51:23 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Not connected with HassIO!
2018-01-13 22:51:23 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for hassio: Component failed to initialize.

Server down perhaps? can’t ping it as well

Also seems HA is restarting itself every 10 minutes… output of the hassio-start script running on a terminal…

18-01-13 11:38:40 INFO (SyncWorker_12) [hassio.docker.homeassistant] Start homeassistant homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant with version 0.60.1
18-01-13 11:40:45 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.tasks] Watchdog found a problem with Home-Assistant API!
18-01-13 11:40:45 INFO (SyncWorker_11) [hassio.docker.interface] Restart homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant
18-01-13 11:45:45 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.tasks] Watchdog miss API response from Home-Assistant
18-01-13 11:50:45 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.tasks] Watchdog found a problem with Home-Assistant API!
18-01-13 11:50:45 INFO (SyncWorker_12) [hassio.docker.interface] Restart homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant

So the whole exercise of getting this thing to run to get the hassio menu is still now showing up… :disappointed: