Installation on Windows 10 - need help

Hi guys,
i am trying to install on Win 10 but i can´t get things to work…need your help!!
I get to this:

C:\Users\magnus>py -m homeassistant --open-ui
C:\Users\magnus\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe: No module named homeassistant

There is no module?!?

Please help!!

-Install Python (depending on your windows…could be 32bit or 64, choose wise little padaawan)

-upgrade pip and setuptools:
open command prompt: press windows key or “start” and type “cmd” and then enter:
py -m pip install --upgrade pip
#this install upgrades pip, not necessary if you downloaded the newest version
pip install --upgrade setuptools
#this install upgrades setuptools, not necessary if you downloaded the newest version

-In cmd type the following:
py -m pip install homeassistant
#this install homeassistant, not necessary if you downloaded the newest version

-in cmd type:
py -m pip homeassistant

-open your preferred browser and type:


want to start playing around?
-edit HASS config file:
C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME FOLDER HEREEEEE\AppData\Roaming.homeassistant\configuration.yaml

-update HASS:
open CMD and type:
py -m pip install --upgrade homeassistant

-Add cURL to system:
guide from (
download cURL version:
Select Win32 or Win64 depending on the OS
Extract the content of the zip file AMD64 (actual files: curl.exe, *.ddls, etc) to folder C:\Windows\System32
open CMD type: curl -V

-Install NMAP - NOT WORKING…SKIP IT…will break your config:
run install nmap-7.40-setup.exe
should add itself to windows enviroments

UPDATE the registry for performance:

	Set a large value such as 65534 (0x0000fffe). See MS KB 196271.

	Set the minimum value (0x0000001e). See MS KB 149532.

	Set to 1 so TCPTimedWaitDelay is checked.