Installation on windows 10

I just downloaded the latest version of python and tried to install HA on windows following the Youtube on the HA site and when I try the user interface cmd, I get errors and something about missing modules. Anyone willing to offer some guidance ?

I used this YouTube walkthru. It sets up VirtualBox, creates an Ubuntu VM, and installs under Docker. Worked nicely for me.

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I’ll take a look, thanks

As another user pointed out, the easiest way by far is to create an Ubuntu VM (Via VMWare, VirtualBox, etc.) and install HassIO on docker there. Once you have Ubuntu installed you can just use this gist to get the 6 or so commands you need to run to install docker, the needed utilities, and HA, all in one shot.

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Thanks Silcon_Avatar. Looks like a great tutorial. I appreciate you you pointing it out.

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