Installation Openweather integration

For my devices I need as accurate outdoor temperature as possible. Right now I have an entity weather.home where temperature is delivered by Norwegian Meteorological Institute. The temperature seems to be around 3-4 degress wrong all the time. So I looked into the OpenWeather integration, but I do not understand how I install this.? According to the documentations I should be able to find this under Configuration** > Integrations but I do not find this here. Can anyone give me a bit more detailed description on how to install this integration?

I see it there:

Then press the orange ‘+’ at the bottom left of the screen to add a new integration.

Type ‘openweather’

You also need to open an account first (free or paid for, depending on your needs - the free one seems only to give you one daily reading). As part of the verification process, they email you an API which you will need to set up the integration.

I tried Openweather recently, but the temperatures were so wildly off I thought I had entered latitude and longditude the wrong way round!

Not there:

Got an registation and tried the api for me it seems to give me an accurate temperature and they have a parameter called: feels_like" which gives you a more precise idea of the temperature. Seems as you can ask for the temperature many times a day.

What version of Home Assistant are you running ?

Home Assistant 0.114.4

I found this in my entities:

So somehow I have some kind of openweathermap installed. it says it do not have a unique id and therefore I cannot control the settings. I can´t find this entity in the configuration folder, so I do not quite understand how I here can add my api key registration and then access all the openwathermap attributes.

Ah, my bad, configuration through UI was introduced in 0.115, so you must have openweathermap somewhere in your configuration.