Installation Shelly 2 PM sunscreen switch

Hi there Home Assistant experts,

Quick intro here… sick and tired of using different apps to control my home i installed HomeAssistant on my NAS and everything runs fine. Hue lights and Google Chrome devices are all controllable.

Now i want to connect my other systems (Eufy doorbell and cams) but foremost my sunscreen. It is a relatively oldschool system, see pics. I’ve been told a Shelly 2PM switch should do the trick. But in the control box there is not any space for the Shelly device or do i have to install in in the wall socket? Any tips, tricks or thoughts on this one?

Sorry if this might not be the right category but willing to learn :wink:.

Kind regards,


Not enough information to even verify if shelly 2pm is ok for your sunscreen.
Provide make/model of your motor, is it AC or DC etc.