I have a T211 Siconia Belgium Smart meter for electricity, Slimme Lezer + plus (see https://www.zuidwijk.com/product/slimmelezer-plus/ ) and Home Assistant version 11.5
The Slimme meter wifi’s is installed and is connected with the P1 port.
I start from the webpage DSMR Slimme Meter - Home Assistant
I clik on the button :" Configuration : To add the DSMR Slimme Meter hub to your Home Assistant instance, use this “add integration My button:”
“Open page in your home assistant”: I select button “open link”
“do you want to set up dsmr Slimme meter?”: I select button “OK”
“select connection type serial or network” : I select button “serial”
“select device / enter manually” : I select DSMR version “5B” (for Belgium)
type in USB device path ; I don’t know the path. I tried “/dev/ttyUSB0”, but this doesn’t work. What is the correct path?