Installation Slimmemeter+ cannot find usb-path

I have a T211 Siconia Belgium Smart meter for electricity, Slimme Lezer + plus (see ) and Home Assistant version 11.5

The Slimme meter wifi’s is installed and is connected with the P1 port.

I start from the webpage DSMR Slimme Meter - Home Assistant

  • I clik on the button :" Configuration : To add the DSMR Slimme Meter hub to your Home Assistant instance, use this “add integration My button:”

  • “Open page in your home assistant”: I select button “open link”

  • “do you want to set up dsmr Slimme meter?”: I select button “OK”

  • “select connection type serial or network” : I select button “serial”

  • “select device / enter manually” : I select DSMR version “5B” (for Belgium)

  • type in USB device path ; I don’t know the path. I tried “/dev/ttyUSB0”, but this doesn’t work. What is the correct path?

Zuidwijks SlimmeLezer uses the esphome integration (and not the DSMR integration)

It should also already be configured, so there is no real need to install the esphome addon; it should work out of the box:

  • First connect to the device using its internal hotspot using your phone or laptop (in order to connect it to your own wifi network)
  • Then add it as esphome integration using it’s ip address)

However, it is recommended to flash it by yourself:

using your own yaml: