Installation Unhealthy, Docker?

My system has been running fine but just tried to update core from 2022.10.1 to 2022.10.2 and I’m getting “Your installation is unhealthy”, learn more is showing docking and directing me to The Docker environment is not working properly - Home Assistant

I have even now removed portainer as that was the only extra “software” I had installed and checked the other requirements on that link but I seem to be fine by the looks of it so not sure what is causing this or how to work out what is causing this


Same here… I’m on Docker 20.10.18 and it says on the site specifically anything 20.10.17 and newer is fine. I’m at a loss here on what to do.

I had to remove the images from docker and restart the host for it to work, from a similar issue with portainer, which is somehow bad now

Are you people running supervised?

I was running debian supervised on an NUC, I believe NUC is no longer officially supported so I believe this was my problem…

No, nothing to do with it being a nuc. No idea where you even got the idea it was deprecated.

Read adr14, and remember this

stated in ADR-0014, no additional software, outside of the Home Assistant ecosystem, is installed. This includes but are not limited to standalone containers running on the same host.

Some containers will also conflict with the operations of the Supervisor, if you run any of those your system will also be marked as unhealthy. These containers will be shown in the Supervisor log as errors.

Same problem here, since the last update.
It’s really annoying because Portainer is a real gain of time …

I am a noob to linux but on my RPI I did a grep on my syslog looking for “unsupported” as well as “unhealthy” and was able to get more details on every exact reason why mine was called unhealthy (portainer not supported) and also a nice long list of items why my supervised is considered “unsupported”… Maybe doing the same on your end could help?

Same problem for me im running my supervised on armbian, and did not have that problem before upgrading to 2022.10 ( qemuarm-64) docker 20.10.18

Removing portainer fixed problem

Did you completely remove portainer or can I stop the portainer service, update home assistant, and restart the service?

edit: you can issue:
sudo docker stop portainer
sudo docker restart hassio_supervisor
Update home assistant
sudo docker start portainer


I have remove it completely, i dont need it actually, but its good to know that you dont need to to remove it all the way

Thanks for that workaround. It works like a charm :slight_smile:

Great! It also worked like a charm for me :slight_smile:

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I didn’t read all the comments but I got the message when trying to install updates. I just click ‘Stop’ on the hassio_supervisor within Portainer, quickly go back to HA and click the update multiple times and it eventually installs. No need to restart Portainer and my hassio_supervisor just restarts its self. Hope this helps.

It work´s!!! You stop my headache!!