Installation via

Hi. I have a Raspberry PI 3b+ and followed the instruction on Youtube or the websites. But the installation always failed somewhere. I use Lan cable or wifi (with the correct script on a thumb drive) to connect my Pi to the router but I have never find the ip address of my PI and open hassio.local:8123 on my other device within the same network. The PI showed welcome to home assistant and ask me to login in when I never setup any login in name or password. How should I solve the problem?

Log onto your router and check the leases and see if it has assigned an IP address for your Pi.

BTW, it should be homeassistant.local:8123

Yoi should follow the official documentation, not some youtube video or other website as they are often outdated (best example is that you mention, a term that has been deprecated for more than a year now).

I followed the official website with the updated file but the router didn’t assign ip the my PI

Have you logged onto the router?