Installed and now lost in Space :-/

Hello there,

i am very new at Home Assistant (and Home Automation). I have installed and the Instance is working. It recognize my IKEA Tradfri System as well as my Apple TV (3) automatically … but now i can’t figure out what to do. I think i could (try) to use a component like EQ3 Bluetooth Smart Thermostats, but i can’t find a Howto Install Components. I found an Add-On Store where i have install the SSH-Server (which is working) but all the listed Components aren’t there. In the Description of the EQ3 Bluetooth Smart Thermostats is a hint that i first should check with eq3cli --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 the Connectivity … but where is eq3cli? Must i install this on the Console. If so how to do that. pip install python-eq3bt? But it seems that there is not pip installed? How to install then pip? At this point, it looks like it’s going around in a circle.

Is there anyone out there who can help an old man get on a horse?


Most components are already there, you’ll only see them when you use them. Just look up what you’re interested in here…

and follow the instructions. Just start simple so you can learn how it all works, too many people try to run before they can walk with HA.

Ah ok, that means that all components are already installed and i only need to call them in the configuration file, right?

I will remember that when i try it in a few years again. At this point my experiment with Home Assistant and is ended. I found out, there is no Python3 installed. With Google i found an apk command to install them, but then there is missing make, after install make there is missing gcc, then there is missing glib and so on. That is ugly. I want to try Home Assistant, not figure out how to build a Linux Environment which could simple things like pip3 install python-eq3bt.


Bit confused. I found Hassio very easy to install and have no programming experience whatever. No pip install required it’s all in one.

Maybe you were distracted watching lost in space instead of reading the instructions :wink: if it was the 90’s remake understandable it was a poor movie

In all seriousness think the maybe hassbian install is what you’ve been looking at.

So use hassbian, rasbpbian + home assistant in python venv, or docker?

you can install it on ANY machine in your network. It does not need to go on the home assistant machine. All you need is to verify it’s accessible and you get the values you expect from it.

so try Home Assistant and stop trying to shoehorn things that don’t need to be shoehorned. hassio is not intended for you to hack on. it is intended as an appliance. You can freely use it as one.