I have Home Assistant OS set up on a Raspberry Pi 3 B and everything else seems to be working
I have installed the Node-RED add-on, the HACS integration, and the Node-RED custom integration from HACS. I can launch the Node-RED UI and create and deploy flows, and the files for the custom integration are in the right place in my config directory.
However if I try to use any of the Home Assistant nodes in Node-RED, such as the Entity node, I get the error message ‘Attention: This node requires Node-RED custom integration to be installed in Home Assistant for it to function.’
I’ve tried restarting everything and everything seems to think it’s up to date. On restarting the core I see this in the Core log: 2021-02-01 23:53:52 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for nodered which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.
which suggests that the custom integration is loaded?
Is there anything else obvious I need to check here before (presumably the next step) opening an issue on Github for the custom integration?
I have (still) the same problem. After the update off node-red the entity node complains ‘Node-RED custom integration needs to be installed in Home Assistant for this node to function correctly.’
So I installed HACS and the Node-RED Companion. The directory custom_components exits, the directory nodered exists in directory custom_components and the files in the directory nodered are there. If tried the install several times including doing in manual install but the message stays.
I looked at the directory and file permissions and all seems normal.
I’m following the installation steps one by one.
First of all I’ve created the custom_components/nodered folder and I copied the files of the integration there.
I’ve restarted HA (2021.12.5), refreshed the browser and from HACS I have installed Node-Red Companion (1.0.1) without problems.
Restarted HA again. On the log I have a warning that I supposed is something normal:
"[homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration nodered which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant"
On Node Red I try to create a new switch with the entity node and I have (on the properties page of the switch) still the message:
**Attention:** This node requires [Node-RED custom integration ] to be installed in Home Assistant for it to function.
I deploy the flow and no new switch is created on HA so nothing works on my flow…
I’ve tried the full process three times and the results are always the same.
First of all thank you very much for your help and apologies for my late response.
I have tried another approach that it works. Creating an input_boolean (toggle) as a helper and using it as a swith. But it’s not ideal as in the integration with google home it doesn’t works directly and I have to create a script to call this input_boolean. So, not ideal.
I’ve tried your solution but:
I’m not able to update de node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket within the Node-RED Manage Palette option. I can see it but i don’t see the option for updating (my version is 0.41.3 perhaps the last one).
On the addon interface I don’t find the update HomeAssistant nodes option…
I have the same problem. I’m struggling already couple of month already, without success.
Based on the descritpion I did everything I could do.
Step by step installation was done, NodeRed Companion is the latest version, intalled with HACS (previously was installed manually, was not work as well).
In NodeRed, the entity node is working properly, I have no error message nowhere, but when I try to use it on Lovelace, it says this sensor is unavailable.
This entity on NodeRed was created to get some web content, and showing text. As I said, the entity state contains the required test from the appropriate web page, I can see it on a debug entity and even on the devóbug message for this entity node. So works as expected.
Just do not understand, why it is not available on Lovelace.
In the integration I can see this sensor as well, also enabled.
Any idea for testing or get it active on Lovalace?
Have you tries to remove the companion from integrations and re-add it?. in my case I had to update and then re-setup from integrations and it worked thereafter.