Installed on HP mini and going well until the end and getting 404 error on github hassio install

I have tried and run installation instructions per @kanga_who
works until the end then "bash: line 1: 404:: command not found.

please advise…

404 suggest it isn’t find that url. The guide you followed looks like it has gone out of date (recently). Have a look here -

yes, no error message, but what now?
root@g7k:~# curl -sL | bash -s
[Info] Install supervisor Docker container
[Info] Install supervisor startup scripts
[Info] Install AppArmor scripts
[Info] Run
[Info] Install cli ‘ha’

does this mean it is done?

Hi Geoff,

The installer script (the last command you used) has been updated very recently due to the naming change from to Home Assistant, I have been keeping on eye on that and noticed yesterday it was changed.

My guide has been updated to reflect this change now.

Yes, you should be able to access HA at the IP_of_the_machine:8123

yes… it worked…thanks

also new issue now that I’m in. Error on clicking supervisor tab on left menu
“Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.”

I think that has something to do with the Supervisor container not running, or having an error. If you have Portainer installed, you can restart the Supervisor and then follow that by restarting HA.

still getting error after both restarts

Try running the installer script again from your Terminal, specifically these 2 lines;

sudo -i
curl -sL "" | bash -s

If that doesn’t correct the problem, try these steps.
From Terminal;

sudo docker rmi -f homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor
sudo docker rmi -f homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.2

In Portainer on the Container screen
Check the boxes for both homeassistant and hassio_supervisor, then remove both

In Portainer on the Images screen
Look for the 2 images named homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.2 and homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor:217homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor:latest (or similar for this second one) and select Force Remove from the Remove drop down box.

Then go back to terminal and run the installer script again;

sudo -i
curl -sL "" | bash -s

I’m no expert with removing containers, but this is how I normally do it. I’m sure there is a better way, but this should work.