Installing ESPhome on GEEKMAGIC Smart Weather Clock (smalltv/pro)

Thanks. I have no idea what the ultra is.

I have LVGL working on these :slight_smile: only have to replace the ESP32 WROOM with the new version that includes 2MB PSRAM :rofl:
Full YAML at this link:

LCD works with default display drivers now:

  - platform: ili9xxx
    id: lcd_display
    model: st7789v
    spi_id: spihwd
    #data_rate: 20MHz #oringal device uses 20mhz - 40 is default and works - does not work at 80mhz
    #cs_pin: GPIO03 #CS pin is connected to gnd I believe
    dc_pin: GPIO02
    reset_pin: GPIO04
    spi_mode: MODE3   #since no cs pin default is mode0
      width: 240
      height: 240
      offset_height: 0
      offset_width: 0
    invert_colors: true

The ultra is also an esp8226 (esp-12f) , only the pro is an esp32 i think.


Hi, I tryed with esp-prog (uart side: gnd,tx,rx,vcc,io0,reset) but not worksā€¦ What are your Arduino configuration board ? ( generic esp8266 or other like NodeXXX?) what are the flashing parameters configuration ? Why the Serial monitoring not works ?
The GeekMagic+esp-prog get power supply and run its weather firmware well, also works the boot and reset button on the esp-progā€¦ I can swith the Geek to ā€œupload modeā€ but the flashing procedure from the Arduino IDE not worksā€¦ The logs shows ā€œSerial COM11 Conectingā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€ until the timeout !
Please help me!

A little off-topic but if anyone sees this post and has one of these that is asking for an activation code, PM me your MAC address and I should be able to generate one for you after I spent a good amount of time reverse engineering the process!

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Can we admire your work at github or somewhere else in the interwebs?

Can anybody send dump file of small-tv ultra or normal?
I cant scrollback firmware and I haveā€™t got backup

You can find them on their github.

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How did you manage to upload a new firmware on this device? There is no /upload URL in this clone version, at least the one I got.

I had to go to settings and at the bottom there was a button that would allow me to upload new firmware. I use HomeAssistantā€™s ESPHome interface and used the following code. Note that I am using an SmallTV Ultra, which seems to be based on the d1_mini platform.

Note2: I do not yet have the screen working. At all. If I can get this monkey business to do its job, I will update here. Until then I have a magic black screen that displaysā€¦ NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! :smiley:

Note3- with my esp8266 I was able to get it working with @ra.javeenā€™s code above. Now to play with getting what I want on the screen.

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This is what got me going today! You are awesome!

Make sure the backlight is on.

Hey this helped me in reverse engineering it. I installed the WLED projectā€™s latest binary and it works out of the box after changing the GPIO pin to 12 within the embedded web server.

did you make a backup of your clone before you flashed it? Can you make it available to me? Unfortunately, I accidentally flashed a different firmware onto it and now nothing works. I would like to have the original firmware back on it.
Many thx!