Can someone help me figure out how to install this on HA running in Docker?
This looks like a customized(?) version of Home Assistant. Why would you want to use this version instead of the official version?
You don’t. This is someone’s build environment and/or custom HA docker. There is no explanation on what is different from official version.
In short, you don’t install git files into HA on Docker. This particular repo contains a DOCKERFILE which you would use to BUILD the docker image.
Hello, I appreciate your help a lot. I am a programmer but not huge into GITHUB yet. I see these builds with things I want to use. For example this:
Is there already a custom component for the Honeywell Lyric? Use that.
You don’t run other people’s personal docker builds for “production”.
Read up on adding custom components (this link isn’t through, but you should be able to Google some more information). Most custom components have a brief explanation on how to set them up as far as copying the files to your custom_components folder, and then the configuration.yaml setup.
Then see if you can find the custom component for what you want to add.
There is a custom component called HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) that is awesome if the component you want is setup for it (greatly simplifies custom components).
Here is one persons custom component for Honeywell Lyric, there may be others - I don’t use it, so don’t know what people are using - but it is listed in HACS, so I would expect it is popular.
Good Luck!
Thank you so much. This makes a mot more sense!