Installing HAOS in a VM on TrueNAS SCALE

Hi @troy,
I feel guilty asking for help, given all the help you have given already, however, I cannot find a solution anywhere

Note; I did change 12.2 to 12.3.

I created a ZVOL, executed the first line and it worked;

root@truenas[~]# ls
dead.letter haos_ova-12.3.qcow2.xz samba tdb

The second command yielded this;

root@truenas[~]# unxz haos_ova-12.3.qcow2.xz
unxz: haos_ova-12.3.qcow2.xz: File format not recognized

The whole process stopped there. Is there another way to open the xz or should I use a different image?



Hi @Tromperie,

Best guess is you have a corrupt download. Please remove the file and try to download it again. If that doesn’t work, maybe try 12.2. If you’re still having this issue, please say what TrueNAS version you’re running and I’ll try to reproduce it on my end in the next day or two.

Also, I don’t update the HAOS version in the guide until I see the update pushed to my install. (But I doubt 12.3 has anything to do with your issue, I’m mentioning that as information only)

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Thank you Troy for the quick response.

Embarrassingly, I tried 12.2 and it worked. All up and running.

Thank you too for your advice. It has never failed me.

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Looks like IX-System is listening to the community – Native Docker / Docker Compose support is (officially) coming to SCALE this fall!

How well will this work for Home Assistant? Only time will tell…

Has anyone set this up with a subdomain using ngnix proxy manager app on truenas scale?
I can’t seem to get it to work. My other apps work, but HAOS in a VM doesn’t seem get proxied correctly. CloudFlare is my name server and it just times out with 504 bad gateway.

@vakulenchuk - Have you seen this? Maybe it will help.

Hello i have a problem to install haos os whe, i tape this command i had an error

Signed up just to tell you how great this was. Only issue I had was selecting the correct NIC :smiley:

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Sorry I missed your post @Alphaprob

Im guessing the PATH variable isn’t set for the root user.

I’m away from server at the moment, so I can’t say for sure but its likely something like /usr/bin/qemu-img

Hello, i probably miss something but in the shell when i hit the commend i get this error

admin@truenas[~]$ qemu-img convert -O raw haos_ova-12.4.qcow2 /dev/zvol/APPLICATIONS/vm
qemu-img: /dev/zvol/APPLICATIONS/vm: error while converting raw: Could not create ‘/dev/zvol/APPLICATIONS/vm’: No such file or directory

really close to make fly my Nas !

thx guys

Hi @Xsto4 - I’ve never seen that error before. Are you sure you created a zvol and not a dataset? – Please share a screenshot of the zvol details you are using for HOAS.

For example:

hi! thx for your reply
here s my screenshot

:thinking: That looks correct - I’m not sure what the issue is.

Maybe try using sudo

sudo qemu-img convert -O raw haos_ova-12.4.qcow2 /dev/zvol/APPLICATIONS/vm

ans still :frowning:

is there a way to install it by an other way?

i try again today with a new release and a new zvol,
still the same

Sorry you’re still having trouble @Xsto4 - I don’t know what we’re missing here.

I see you’re now trying to use the haos_generic-aarch64 image. I think you should be using the haos_ova, but that’s not the issue here.

I’ve posted your error in the TrueNAS forum to see if anyone there can help.

@Xsto4 I just noticed you’re using the zsh shell - I don’t think that should matter, but let’s try using bash instead.

To avoid confusion, let’s first remove the previous files you downloaded and start again.

rm haos_ova-12.4.*

Next, switch to bash


Finally, try again (I’ve used your new APPLICATIONS/ha ZVOL below)

sudo unxz haos_ova-12.4.qcow2.xz
sudo qemu-img convert -O raw haos_ova-12.4.qcow2 /dev/zvol/APPLICATIONS/ha

thanks for your supply troy.
i dont know if i’m in bash but i’ve got the same message

I would have been surprised if using a bash shell would have helped, but it was worth a shot.

Anyway, someone replied to my post in the TrueNAS forum.

I’ve seen the device fail to be constructed at the location, especially when under load.

I suspect if you ls the location, you won’t see the device.

Suggest a reboot.

Let’s try their suggestion. The following will recursively list any ZVOL located in /dev/zvol - Please share the output after running this command.

ls -R /dev/zvol

Then, try rebooting your TrueNAS server and run the command again. When we see your ZVOL listed using the ls command, the HAOS installation should work.

ok i 've run this command,
got this