Installing HAOS on a dedicated x86-64 PC

No need to use Balena Etcher - which seems to cause issues now and then.
This works: Installing HAOS on a dedicated x86-64 PC - #11 by MichaelSidenius

I am not sure if I got the correct file. I am using one that was zipped and had to extract with get command. The file name is haos_rpi3-64-9.5.img. I can see multiple partitions and the restore appears to go through, but I keep getting no boot device found. I have searched GitHub but cannot find a link to manually download it from.

This topic is for a x86-64 system and you are using the image for a RPi…

I been having a hard time finding the image for x86-x64. A link would be very appreciated. My system broke with the last update that came out Thursday of last week.

Here are the latest releases: Releases · home-assistant/operating-system · GitHub
For a x86-64 system:

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This is what I used on a 10yr old Dell PC and it was fast, easy and just worked.

I got it working but I thought 10.4 was in beta. Also noticing a message, 'Failed to start HassoOS persist data on boot side. Supervisor seems to take longer to load and HA is not grabbing an IP

After alot and I mean alot to the tune of 2 days spent on this, I finally got this back up again thanks to the suggestions in the chat. Much much appreciated. I just hope the next update doesn’t hose things and what saved my butt before smart ass chimes in about having a backup I did have one I restore from after being back on bare metal. But this last update was major headache. Just glad my rig is back up

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