Installing HassOS from 2 x USB (no SD) on RPi 3B+ - how configure WiFi and Static IP?

I have stopped using SD cards on my Pis as they fail so frequently so am looking for a way of installing HomeAssistant (using the images available from here). So far so good and managed to build a working system.

However, I’d additionally like to be able to configure my WiFi and static IP during the installation following the recommended steps in the same link above. The installation and changes to config do not seem to work with a second USB. i.e. One including the installation image and the other the config changes.

So, my system is working fine but I’m using an ethernet connection and a non-static IP address.

Is there any way of retrospectively configuring my WiFi and Static IP once the installation is complete?

I’ve attempted to use the static IP nmcli scripts defined here but I wasn’t successful

Any help appreciated and just to thank the developers in providing a solution that at least allows me to avoid using SD cards.

Surely leaving it on an ethernet connection is always going to be more reliable over a wifi connection? so why not just set the ip in your router to be fixed?

Unless you have an unavoidable reason to run off a wifi connection?