Installing Home Assistant/HassOS in FreeBSD bhyve VM

Based/inspired off of Installing Home Assistant Supervised on FreeNAS 11.3 (in VM) and done on FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p8, with latest (as of 2020 Aug 31) packages and using Churchers vm-bhyve package.

Login, su to root.

pkg install qemu
vm img
vm create -t debian -c 4 -m 4GB -s 200G -i hassos_ova-4.12.qcow2 home-assistant

This creates a new VM using your setup for vm-bhyve, with a sparse zvol of 200GB, 4GB of RAM, and 4 CPUs. Consult for minimum virtual hardware specifications.

This may take a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on your storage speeds. After this, you need to edit the VM config file.

vim /tank/vms/home-assistant/home-assistant.conf

Your configuration needs to look similar to below. The important parts are the loader, and graphics_listen bits. Set the listen and optionally port to the IP/port you want. This will give you the login console. You’ll probably end up wanting to lock this down behind a firewall or something, eventually, for security.


After this, optional but recommended, install RealVNC Viewer in order to see/monitor the rest of the boot process, as well as gain access to the booted console.

Then start the VM

vm start home-assistant

Next step either get the IP address of the VM from your DHCP server, or connect via VNC and login to the shell.

The VNC route, connect, wait for it to boot and give you a login prompt (may be hidden by other messages, hit enter after messages stop scrolling by until you get “homeassistant login:” prompt, use username “root”, it won’t prompt you for a password (eventually need to add root password update instructions here).

You’ll be at a

ha >

prompt. Type “login” to get to the shell.

At the # prompt, type nmcli and hit enter.

Information will scroll up, and then pause at the top of the screen. On my setup, the enp0s5: connected to HassOS default is the name of the default network controller, which should have an IPv4/IPv6 address based on your network setup.

Type q to exit the nmcli output, and then exit to exit the shell.

Take the IP address from either your DHCP server, or the and go to the the following http://X.X.X.X:8123 and wait until it’s done updating/setting up for the first time. It’ll then walk you through the rest of the installation/setup process, as per usual.