Installing Home Assistant on a Asustor NAS

Hey! Another complete newbie here. I’ve just put into use the Home Assistant that came on my Asustor NAS but I’m having a few issues, particularly HACS doesn’t seem to be available AND also I checked the software version number on the website and it is newer than my install but I don’t seem to be able to update my install - I go to update and it says no update is available?

Confused? You betcha!


You have to install HACS following their documentation.

How did you install HA? Inside a VM? Using a package in the NAS UI? Something else?


The Asustor NAS had HA available as an “App” so I just installed it from their options. It also asked me to install something called (I think) Docker too.

I went to HACS and looked at their documentation and then I copied the original config file in HA to my desktop, renamed the one in HA as backup then I added the text it said to install, and put the edited config back into the HA folder. But nothing changed - when you look for HACS in the Integrations it still does not appear. Clearly I did something dumb but I dunno what to save my life!

And BTW… thanks for your reply, I’m very grateful to you.

Go to your System Info and share what it says for your Installation Type.

That’s a command you run, not lines to add to your configuration.

With the asustor app you dont have the supervisor, so you can’t instal add ons and hacs. Instal in a docker :smile:

A few years ago I tested installing Home Assistant on my Asustor NAS. When installing from App Central, there was no way to install HACS, since it was a docker version of HA. (it seems that nowadays we can do it also with docker version of HA). However, I was able to install full HAOS using Virtualbox, which can be installed on Asustor NAS from App Central. You need to download the HAOS image for Virtualbox and create a virtual machine in VirtualBox. I tested it on Asustor AS5104T and Asustor AS6704T. My installation worked fine with Conbee Zigbee Stick without any issues, but in the end I decided not to use the NAS, since I do not use it 24/7, and use cheap HP T530 as dedicated HA server. In addition to installing HAOS with Virtualbox, there is an option to install it using Linux Center from Asustor App Central, but I have not tested this type of installation.