Installing Home Assistant on a RPi 4b with SSD boot

Is there someone that have a working 5.10 from USB?

Seems like the Development builds are the only thing working. I tried 5.8 and 5.9 and a one other and could not get them to work right. HassOS 5.2 has been running since yesterday without any issues. I have not restored a backup yet, just been slowing adding things to it.

5.9 is running very successfully here…

version: 2020.12.2
installation_type: Home Assistant OS
dev: false
hassio: true
docker: true
virtualenv: false
python_version: 3.8.6
os_name: Linux
os_version: 5.4.79-v8
arch: aarch64
timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

host_os: Home Assistant OS 5.9
update_channel: stable
supervisor_version: 2020.12.7
docker_version: 19.03.13
disk_total: 109.3 GB
disk_used: 8.0 GB
healthy: true
supported: true
board: rpi4-64
supervisor_api: ok
version_api: ok
installed_addons: File editor (5.2.0), Samba share (9.3.0), Mosquitto broker (5.1), OpenZWave (0.7.1), Node-RED (7.2.11), InfluxDB (3.7.9), Terminal & SSH (8.10.0), Grafana (5.3.6)

5.9 running here as well.
Since the Eluteng-adapter wasn’t available anymore I used this one which works like a charm on USB3.
Switched to wired connection (ethernet) due to heavy interference, though.

@Jpsy Those interference issues could be worth mentioning in your first post; this cost me some hours and nerves as I wasn’t aware this was an issue. The internet and now my experience tells us it is :slight_smile:
This also affects wireless keyboards/mice, which is especially tricky.

I have a question, if running HA on a RPI4 8GB with SSD boot will the update process, taking snapshots, installing addons, installing custom cards be the same as booting from a SD card ?

All are the same. Those processes do not relief on what type of hardware you use.

Thanks for your response. I will give it a try.

is there a way to make the Raspberry’s green led working with the external USB drive?

I can’t seem to get it to boot from SSD.
The Raspberry PI OS (or any other capable OS for that matter) works fine and instantly boots from the SSD. Home Assistant OS however just boots to a black screen and from that point onwards no disk or CPU I/O is happening.

Even after 30 minutes, nothing happens.

The USB to SATA cable works fine and I tried 5.10, 5.9 and earlier development versions of Home Assistant OS, none work for me.

Any ideas?

This is with a Raspberry PI4 4GB, a USB to SATA cable that I got with my RPI4 case, and a Samsung 840 EVO SSD.

booting from a USB Pendrive with 5.9 no problem.
the only problem I have is that the my UPS connected to raspberry via USB, does not work after an host reboot,
I need to manually disconnect it from the raspberry USB, reconnect it and then restart the addon.

is there a fix to this?

Did you start out on 5.9 Stable version or upgrade in the UI?

Did you start out on 5.9 or upgrade?

Started from a fresh 5.9 and then restored my previous microSD full snapshot

Well crap, back to the drawing board. I had 5.2 running with no issues, just tried updating to 5.9 and I cannot access home assistant now. With a monitor connected I get as far as showing Welcome to Home Assistant with a login prompt and that’s it. Cannot see the rpi on my network.

I never had any issues with SSD booting with the PI4 and i am running this direct after the first release of V5.0. I have followed every update without any problems. At the moment i am running 5.10 now!

I upgraded in the UI.

Edit: and of course, shortly after I wrote this, HA fell over, and needed a power reboot. First time it’s happened. System back up, and all working, as far as I can see.

Started with fresh 5.9, added user & finished initial setup, then restored snapshot.

Did you try setting up WiFi with nmcli?

nmcli device wifi connect "YOUR_SSID" password "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD"

The result of nmcli con show would be interesting as well.

workarounded this with this:
I attached my SSD with HassOS 5.9 to my PC, I opened the boot partition and added
“usbcore.old_scheme_first=Y” to /boot/cmdline.txt

this fixed the problem.

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I flashed 5.2 on mine again and now I can’t get it to show up on my network. Not at home right now but, I have a monitor connected and at the moment it shows Home assistant login prompt. If I use “root” as login, it says something along the lines of data partition not mounted, using emergency cli or something like that.

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What I have done to get it working.

This worked 100% OK apart for the other USB peripherals that were not recognized after an host reboot.
For this problem I opened an issue here:

and then solved as described in the issue.

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