Installing Home Assistant OS on an NVMe drive


it was super easy:

  1. insert NVME drive into a USB enclosure
  2. Download HAOS image and use Balena Etcher to write the image to the NVME
  3. Put EP-0241 onto the PI, connect the ribbon cable.
  4. insert NVME into the EP-0241
  5. plug in network and after 5mins or so it was ready to go.

nothing more nothing less

Thanks, I’m facing few issues…I guess you have not any like that ?

Also since your process doesn’t involve SD card, how did you apply EPROM changes then ?

i didnt apply any EPROM changes. And i do have 3 USB (Sonoff zigbee, Aeotec Zwave, Sky connect) sticks connected.
I power it via POE.

Did you had POE and USB power connected simultaneously? because that will brick the hat if i read the manual.

no, only via POE. I’ll redo following your steps on the weekend to see if that fixes this occasional reboot loop issue.
Just to confirm I did these steps too


Enable auto detection PCIe and booting from NVME.
sudo rpi-eeprom-config --edit


but not these one as per Geekpi wiki

sudo fdisk /dev/nvme0n1
and then input:

> p
> n
> p
> 1 
> Enter 
> Enter  
> w 
> q
* Format the partition 
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/nmve0n1p1 
Create mounting point and mounting the partion to the mounting point.
mkdir ~/mydata 
sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p1 /home/pi/mydata -v 
Automount configuration, edit /etc/fstab file and adding following parameters:
sudo vim.tiny /etc/fstab 

/dev/nvme0n1p1     /home/pi/mydata   ext4   defaults,noatime   0  0 

While you did neither of these… which also means you’re not running PCI Gen3.

I’d like to know how you did this too.
Do you have the commands?

For those still trying to figure this out. I followed this guide and it was super easy, no keyboard or screen required. I just enabled VNC through SSH and used a Remote Desktop session to do the NVME install. Installing Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi 5 NVMe Storage - Martin Rowan

I have been running this setup since June, and it, well, sort of works. It is running well enough, at least to a degree that I didn’t put any energy into trying to fix my issues.
So what are the issues? Well, in a random fashion, the Pi just loses the disk. I haven’t found any pattern or managed to see anything in the logs, but sometimes everything works as a charm for a month, and sometimes it just loses the disk after 12 hours.
The easy fix is a power cycle and then everything is fine… For a while :rofl:

My main problem now is that when the winter is coming, I can’t have this behavior anymore as some of my radiators are controlled by simple thermostats.

Does anyone else have similar issues?

Any ideas would be very appreciated!!

Using geekworm X1001 with a crucial P3 500G gen 3.

Maybe I will have to create some external watchdog or go back to SD Card…

Edit: And yes, I’m using the recommended standard pi5 power supply.

Ok, let’s see if this will help.

  • Updated to latest eeprom (and no, HassOS updates doesn’t do this, I checked my version and it wasn’t updated)
  • Added dtparam=pciex1 to confix.txt (shouldn’t be needed, should auto-detect on pi5)
  • Added dtparam=pciex_gen=3 to config.txt (maybe it’s more stable, let’s see)

Fingers crossed, no issues so far:-)

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