Reboot Error - NVME not detected

Hi everyone,

I’m new to Home Assistant and have been running it for a few days.

I’ve installed Home Assistant OS on a Raspberry Pi 5 with an NVMe drive using the GeekPi N04 NVME HAT. I changed the boot order to prefer the NVMe drive. However, most times when I try to reboot, it fails to detect the NVMe drive. I have to manually power off and then power on again to get it to boot properly.

This issue only occurs when I select reboot and doesn’t occur when I shut down and power up manually.

Is there something wrong with my hardware or is it software related?

Any help will be appreciated.

Below is the screen that comes up whenever I reboot.
Raspberry Pi 5 - 8GB bootloader: 26826259 2024/09/23 update-ts: 1728233441

board: rev d04170 0014 serial xxx
boot mode USB-MSD 4 order f146 retry 0/128 restart 3/-1
SD: card not detected part: 0 mbr [0xee:00000001 0x0:00000000 0x0:00000000] power: supply: USB-PD 5000 mA CC1 PMIC: reset manual 0x0 usb_oc=0
net: down ip: sn: gw: tftp: 00:00:00:00:00:00
display: DISP0: HDMI HPD=1 EDID=ok #2 DISP1: HPD=0 EDID=none #0

Boot mode: NVME (06) order f14
VID 0x1e4b MN Patriot M.2 P310 240GB
NVME on 0
Trying partition: 0
type: 16 lba: 2048 ‘mkfs.fat’ ^ V * clusters 32695 (4)
Trying partition: 0
type: 16 lba: 2048 ‘mkfs.fat’ ^ V * clusters 32695 (4)
NVME off
VID 0x1e4b MN Patriot M.2 P310 240GB
NVME on 0 Trying partition: 0 type: 16 lba: 2048 ‘mkfs.fat’ ^ V * clusters 32695 (4)
Trying partition: 0
type: 16 lba: 2048 ‘mkfs.fat’ ^ V * clusters 32695 (4) Boot mode: USB-MSD (04) order f1

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What is the power rating of your pi power supply and do you have any other peripherals connected?

Hi Tom

I am using the GeekPi Raspberry Pi5 Charger:
27W, 5.1V,5A

I don’t have any other peripherals attached, however the first time this happened I had an empty usb drive connected.
(I thought I’d be able to copy my home assistant backups to a USB drive, but removed it since)

Link to charger below:

I’m having the same issue with geekpi on HA. I’m using the POE hat version
and my POE doesn’t have any under voltage issue.
Most of the time the homeassistant restart works fine but 50% of the time reboot issued from HA cause nvme to be undetected. I have to unplug the Poe cable from pi and back in

I have tried adding boot_delay but still the same issue

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Have you managed to resolve it. I install HA fresh from start but again the same erratic behavior :frowning:

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Hi Ausfas

Unfortunately I haven’t managed to solve the issue yet. In th meantime I am just shutting down home assistant and pressing the on button after a couple of seconds instead of restarting.

I don’t have a USB keyboard so I first installed Raspberry Pi Os lite enabling ssh.

I then used SSH to downloaded the home assistant image and flashed the image to the SSD.

I also changed the boot order to prefer the SSD.
(That’s a high level explanation, let me know if you need more detail).

I am wondering if this is only happening to Geekpi HATs

Not sure …at least one person doesn’t have an issue

Someone else having this issue too but not Geekpi

Thanks Ausfas. Doesn’t seem like they solved it either.

I am tempted to flash another OS (Raspberry Pi Os or Ubuntu) to the nvme and reboot multiple times to check if the issue persist.
My thinking is if it happens on another OS it’s most likely a hardware issue or else it’s an issue with Home assistant.

Not sure when I’ll get a chance, but I’ll post an update here if I do

I was thinking the same but my feeling is it’s HA, and once you confirm will raise it for the HA core.The issue is once HA issues command to restart the system after upgrades it’s fine but reboot from HA doesn’t work well. So there might be some threads that are not fully closed when that command is executed. Although not entirely HA to blame but for this nvme there some sync is needed.
Although this is all theory and guess…let’s see what we conclude with few resources at hand.
I could buy geekworm PoE hat but issue is that my Zwave board used first few gpio pins which that hat doesn’t expose so can’t use that.

Another thing will try is blenaEtcher as in the past different images on Windows, RPI and else of HA have cased an issue too.

Hi ausfas

I reloaded Raspberry Pi OS to my NVME drive and restarted plenty of times with no issue. The OS booted straight away all the time.

To me this indicates its an issue with Home assistant rather than an issue with the GeekPi HAT.

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Would you like to open an issue on HA git and I’ll back it up…
I did another image for HA and same issue.

I have also ordered a waveshare board and will test another Nvme from WD…and update you

Hey, are here any updates?
I did a fresh installation on my RPI5 before some weeks, but I run in that problem too.
Restart cause a reboot, with high fan speed and no HA boot. After unplug and plug the pi again it boots propery and this high fan speed occurs only 2 secs (instead of permanently).

I now bought the Waveshare POE NVME HAT+ and testing to rule out GeekPi
issue. It seems the same problem first time fine but second time stuck in reboot loop… so it can’t be GeekPi or Raspberry Pi5 unless there is some configuration that is causing an issue with HA.
And yes… when its stuck in loop mode then high speed forever and I need to come to the room to unplug it. Two seconds fan mean its going fine.
Is someone raising an issue in the Git against HA so that HA developers can look into it?

I need to test further.

Hi All

Please see issue raised on GitHub. If there is any details you can add please do.

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I have the same issue. HAOS, rpi 5, argon one v3 with nvme.

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I have had this same issue for quite some time. The issue was not there in the beginning. I bought RPi5 at launch and the official M2. HAT+. Several months rebooting went as it should. I had it automated to reboot every night at 4AM. The only thing that helps is to cut the electricity from the pi, and it will boot up normally when energized back.

Careful with that. HA does a database cleanup at 4:12AM every day. If your restart clashes with the cleanup, you might run into issues.

Thanks for the heads up. I had a fishy SSD installation over usb before the PCIE on RPi5. That installation required nightly reboots. The reboots came over to the RPi5 with the backup restore to the new installation, but it is now gone thanks to this reboot glitch. Still annoying not to be able to reboot the pi remotely anymore. I must buy a shelly WiFi plug and connect it to cloud to be able to reboot the PI remotely.

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