Installing Home Assistant OS using Proxmox 8

Could you send a screenshot of your hardware setup.
And what hardware are you running?


Not sure hwat you are after, as my last 2 posts basically tell you what my set-up is:

  • Optiplex 9020m
  • Proxmox 7.0-11
  • HA (Supervised)
  • HA in a VM - number 222
  • Conbee II - passed through as a device in the Proxmox VM rather than passing through the USB port
  • Conbee II - on a 3m extension lead into a USB port on the 9020m

Not sure what else there is to say about my set-up that helps with you being able to see zigbee devices?

I’m a fairly seasoned Linux user, but I’m just getting started with Proxmox and HA. Your helper scripts look REALLY REALLY NICE! The back and forth in here on whether HA should be run in a LXC container has been interesting. I’m looking forward to trying it out.

How does your script differ from Whiskerz007’s script? Perhaps just that his is not being maintained any longer?

Also, I saw you mention earlier in this thread that you were having problems with Proxmox 7 and would stick to 6 until it matured further. I see that you have a script for running HA on Proxmox 7. Have the issues settled out or would you still recommend Proxmox 6? Thanks!

First, let me take this time to thank wiskerz007 for his hard work, without it none of my scripts would be possible.

In early 2019 wiskerz007 made his script available. At that time there was not a HAOS KVM .qcow2 file so, a HAOS VMware .vmdk file needed to be downloaded and converted via his script to a .qcow2 for Proxmox to use. Once the VM was successfully created, other setup was required (cpu/mem/storage).

In early 2020 the HA dev team made a KVM .qcow2 file available for download. They also change file compression from GZIP to LZMA, wiskerz007 corrected his script for LZMA but never changed it to download the .qcow2 and kept converting the .vmdk file.

In mid 2020 the HA dev team changed the compression of the .vmdk file to ZIP, which broke wiskerz007’s script, and remains broken. (fixes are available)

I modified the script to download the new KVM .qcow2 file (still using LZMA compression), no conversion is necessary, also made provisions for other compression formats (just in case).
Added NFS storage type for installations.
Set default cpu, memory, and storage to HA recommended settings. No other setup is required, just start the VM.

Proxmox 7 is the way to go now. I have no issues


HAOS should always be run in a VM
HA Core and HA Container can be run in a LXC


Thanks for the replies! Very good. It’s going to be a few days before I can tinker around with PM, but I look forward to trying out your scripts on a PM7 install.

Hey, I’ve been running hassos on proxmox on an old laptop for a while without any issues, however just recently it randomly shuts down. Any ideas?

The laptop, proxmox or HA?

Are you connecting to a usb 3 port or a usb 2 port?
I think that might be the issue for me, that i only have usb 3 or usb-c ports.

The extension lead I use for the ConbeeII is physically connected to a USB3 port.

The laptop is powered off

So my CPU is running at ~100 degrees, so maybe this issue is nothing to do with proxmox, do CPUs shutdown if they get too hot?

What are the downsides of running HA in a container? helpers here has the simple scripts.
Got mine in a VM on proxmox and am curious about the container.

Used these to create all the other containers - a breeze!

How’s the Ha running in a container? Is it the full supervised hassos like the VM?


No, it’s HA Container (no supervisor)

Here’s my setup
Screenshot 2021-11-11 5.17.02 PM

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OK gotcha. As I’ve got mqtt nodered, proxy and mariadb probably no need for supervisor anymore. I’d need to double check though.
Although I do have duckdns which is important. How do I get this working without supervisor?

Nginx Proxy Manager will handle your Duck DNS & Let’s Encrypt

@yonny24 just a point to not, one major draw back by not using Supervisor is that when you use the HA app to access your setup, all the separate addons can’t be accessed as there is no Ingress, ie you won’t be able to access Node Red, mqtt etc

Well you do it old school with an iFrame same as for addons that don’t support ingress…


The most drawback for me is losing autobackup and ability to restore instantly.