Installing Home Assistant Supervised on a Raspberry Pi using Debian 12

  1. I stopped the Home Assistant on Docker.
  2. I deleted everything related to homeassistant-supervised.deb in the /usr/local/src directory.
  3. I redownloaded and reinstalled it as shown in the logs below.
  4. The version has now changed as seen in Docker.
  5. I installed the latest version of Docker, which, according to reports, solves the problem.

Finally, as you can see, unfortunately, the result is the same; I am getting the same error.

homeassistant-supervised.deb  os-agent_1.6.0_linux_aarch64.deb
@Raspi:/usr/local/src$ sudo dpkg -i homeassistant-supervised.deb
(Reading database ... 168477 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack homeassistant-supervised.deb ...
[warn] If you want more control over your own system, run
[warn] Home Assistant as a VM or run Home Assistant Core
[warn] via a Docker container.
[info] Stopping hassio_supervisor service
[info] Stopping hassio_apparmor service
[info] Removing existing hassio_supervisor container
Leaving 'diversion of /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf.real by homeassistant-supervised'
Leaving 'diversion of /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default.real by homeassistant-supervised'
Leaving 'diversion of /etc/docker/daemon.json to /etc/docker/daemon.json.real by homeassistant-supervised'
Leaving 'diversion of /etc/network/interfaces to /etc/network/interfaces.real by homeassistant-supervised'
Leaving 'diversion of /etc/systemd/resolved.conf to /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.real by homeassistant-supervised'
Unpacking homeassistant-supervised (1.7.0) over (1.7.0) ...
Setting up homeassistant-supervised (1.7.0) ...
[info] Reload systemd
[info] Restarting NetworkManager
[info] Enable systemd-resolved
[info] Restarting systemd-resolved
[info] Restarting docker service
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=35.7 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 35.706/35.706/35.706/0.000 ms
[info] Install supervisor startup scripts
[info] Install AppArmor scripts
[info] Start Home Assistant Supervised
[info] Installing the 'ha' cli
[info] Within a few minutes you will be able to reach Home Assistant at:
[info] http://homeassistant.local:8123 or using the IP address of your
[info] machine:

@Raspi:/usr/local/src$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                             PORTS                                                                                  NAMES
9b77130351bf                      "/init"                  22 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds            >8086/tcp, :::8086->8086/tcp,>8088/tcp, :::8088->8088/tcp   addon_a0d7b954_influxdb
d9fa19cb8768                      "/init"                  22 seconds ago   Up 21 seconds (health: starting)                                                                                          addon_a0d7b954_adguard
18519c25a303                   "/init"                  22 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds            >3001/tcp, :::3001->3001/tcp                                              addon_a0d7b954_uptime-kuma
4cb9a97891c8                       "/init"                  22 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds (health: starting)                                                                                          addon_a0d7b954_grafana
79d446f71d8e   sabeechen/hassio-google-drive-backup-aarch64:0.111.1              "python3 -m backup"      22 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds            >1627/tcp, :::1627->1627/tcp, 8099/tcp                                    addon_cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
d9c70bfadb48   "/usr/bin/landingpage"   26 seconds ago   Exited (1) 21 seconds ago                                                                                                 homeassistant
f569fa6da944         "/init"                  33 seconds ago   Up 32 seconds                                                                                                             hassio_multicast
a14eeda76bce             "/init"                  34 seconds ago   Up 32 seconds                                                                                                             hassio_audio
c5bc23db497e               "/init"                  34 seconds ago   Up 33 seconds                                                                                                             hassio_dns
3133efaabe81               "/init"                  35 seconds ago   Up 34 seconds                                                                                                             hassio_cli
69c04699b30b           "/init"                  41 seconds ago   Up 39 seconds                                                                                                             hassio_supervisor
e72aa6be55dd          "/usr/bin/observer"      5 months ago     Up 53 seconds            >80/tcp, :::4357->80/tcp                                                  hassio_observer
@Raspi:/usr/local/src$ docker logs d9c70bfadb48
exec /usr/bin/landingpage: exec format error
exec /usr/bin/landingpage: exec format error
exec /usr/bin/landingpage: exec format error
exec /usr/bin/landingpage: exec format error
exec /usr/bin/landingpage: exec format error
exec /usr/bin/landingpage: exec format error
exec /usr/bin/landingpage: exec format error
exec /usr/bin/landingpage: exec format error
@Raspi:/usr/local/src$ ^C
@Raspi:/usr/local/src$ docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           25.0.4
 API version:       1.44
 Go version:        go1.21.8
 Git commit:        1a576c5
 Built:             Wed Mar  6 16:32:20 2024
 OS/Arch:           linux/arm64
 Context:           default

It looks like you have really screwed your installation!

Only containers built for the native platform can run on a host. If you run Debian 32bit on a RPi4 it is arm32 v7 docker builds or if you run Debian 64bit it is arm64 v8 docker builds.

Do yourself a favor and follow KruseLuds advice or even better stay away from HA Supervised since this kind of installation makes solid Linux knowledge mandatory.


Try this:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

I am running HA on a NUC running Debian 11 along with Portainer and a few other docker containers. It has been running fine, however today I noticed that I could no longer see logs for add-ons - might have been after a recent update. I only got the following error: Failed to get add-on logs, No systemd-journal-gatewayd Unix socket available

I followed the steps noted to upgrade to Debian 12 and system-journal shows as version 252.22-1, however the error remained. One thing I have noticed is that I would see there was an upgrade available for the agent, but when I disable portainer and restart hassio-supervisor the update would disappear and not come back even if I got it to check for updates. I checked and saw I was still on an old version and so manually updated to 1.6.0 by doing a wget for latest and installing. Then rebooted. I have had the message Unsupported system - Systemd Journal issues for quite some time, but the logs still showed.

After all the updates and upgrades, I now have the following (when Portainer is also running):
Unhealthy system - Docker misconfigured
Unsupported system - Systemd Journal issues
Unsupported system - Unsupported software
I believe the first and third is due to Portainer running and other docker containers being on the Nuc.

Wondering what I may need to do so that logs will again show for add-ons.
Not sure if this may fix it: SystemD Journal warning is still there after 6 months - #8 by francisp
Current versions, etc:

Edit: I followed this and it fixed the issue: SystemD Journal warning is still there after 6 months - #10 by ShortPutt

This is correct. There are no other docker containers allowed except the default which come with HA Supervised.

If you need Portainer I recommend to use alexbelgium’s excellent “Home assistant add-on: Portainer” which is well maintained and wont render your HA Supervised installation to “Unsupported/Unhealthy”.


I followed the guide up to the step sudo apt full-upgrade -y. However, I then got an error

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x82 in position 6: invalid start byte dpkg: error while cleaning up: installed python3-debian package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/python3-debian_0.1.49_all.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

And have been stuck since. I tried manually downloading and installing the package, rebooting, purge, uninstall, etc
 never gets past that message. Any help?

Try the following from CLI:

sudo -i

dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/python3-debian_0.1.49_all.deb
apt --fix-broken install
apt full-upgrade -y
apt --purge autoremove -y

Unfortunately, it just results in the same error. I also tried manually downloading the package and installing it, to make sure it’s not a corrupted download from that one source, but again, same error.

I assume you are trying to upgrade from Debian 11 to Debian 12 (not a new Debian 12 installation)?


No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:        11
Codename:       bullseye

What does

sudo locale -a



Looks correct.

What SSH client are you using for connecting to the Debian console? Make sure Character Encoding is set to “UTF-8” on the SSH client side.

Putty, and encoding is set to that, yes.

So the issue happens after running

sudo apt upgrade --without-new-pkgs -y

and before

sudo apt full-upgrade -y

Is this correct?

No, it happened at the end of sudo apt full-upgrade -y. It went through a few hundred (?) packages fine, then ended with the error above.

Well, that upgrade command is obviously failing.

Please show the output of the following commands:

sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list

and if available:

sudo cat /etc/apt/apt.conf

Please also show the output of:

sudo python3 --version

Any update on support for this witrh RPI5?

Is there a Debian 12 build available for the Pi 5? If so, download it and try, however I don’t believe one is available yet which is why the guide has not been updated to include the Pi 5.

If you have a burning desire to run Supervised on a lower powered device, grab yourself something like this that uses about 8-10w power running HA (in my use case). Pi’s + Supervised are not the future of HA.

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Thanks for the Tip!