Installing Home Assistant Supervised using Debian 12

Can you link your blog or PM it to me please, I’d love to check it out.
I have not updated it after the repo moved a few months ago (I didn’t realise it had and now it’s going to move again anyway)


Thank you for your guide. Work out good

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Great guide, thank you.

It’s possible I missed something, but I couldn’t install the openssh-server as detailed above. I was getting an error message that dependency libwrap0 was not installable. I searched for the errors, and as per I checked . My /etc/apt/sources.list file looked like this:


# deb cdrom:[Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.4.0 standard 2020-05-09T10:43]/ buster main

#deb cdrom:[Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.4.0 standard 2020-05-09T10:43]/ buster main

deb buster/updates main
deb-src buster/updates main

# buster-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
# A network mirror was not selected during install.  The following entries
# are provided as examples, but you should amend them as appropriate
# for your mirror of choice.
# deb buster-updates main
# deb-src buster-updates main

# This system was installed using small removable media
# (e.g. netinst, live or single CD). The matching "deb cdrom"
# entries were disabled at the end of the installation process.
# For information about how to configure apt package sources,
# see the sources.list(5) manual.

I added these two lines (thought I’d try without uncommenting updates lines first):

deb buster main
deb-src buster main

… then ran sudo apt-get update, before running sudo apt-get install openssh-server again. This time it worked.


It’s odd they are commented out. I just checked my install and they are not commented out. Perhaps a region issue, I’m not sure.

Glad you found the solution.

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Simply disabling the service does not stop another unit starting it, it simply means it is not started automatically. you need to issue a mask command to prevent it being started in any way.

Or simply

sudo apt-get purge modemmanager

I suggest configuring apt unattended upgrades rather than relying on remembering to login and upgrade every so often.

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I suggest that is a really bad idea. I assume you have never done that? If you have and have ever had a docker upgrade you would never do that.


You can exclude docker from automatic upgrades. Installing security updates for everything else is important though. I have many production servers running this.

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TLDR: can I install Home Assistant of any variety on a 32 bit netbook or am I wasting everyone’s time?

I note that this guide is for 64 bit machines but I am appealing to the combined wisdom and experience of the community here. I’ve been trying for the last 3 days to install Home Assistant (whether Core, Supervised or other) with no success. This is mostly due to the fact that I am trying to install to a Samsung NC10, 32 bit, 1.60 Atom, 2GB RAM, with the 32 bit architecture being a limiting factor.

I have tried to install on a VM within Ubuntu 16.04 (their last 32 bit release) and also with Python on Ubuntu and Lubuntu. I keep on running into Python version conflicts (the install requires minimum version 3.7) that I cannot resolve. What I have discovered is that uninstalling Python from Ubuntu is a Very Bad Idea.

Edit: reason I am posting here is that I am busy downloading Debian Buster to have a try on that.

It’s for any machine x64/86 machine.

If your download the 32bit Debian image, you should be fine.

Good news, thanks for your prompt reply. I’m done with the download and will start installing shortly, I’ll post the outcome…

The Debian install hangs at ‘‘Configure the network’’. I used debian-live-10.4.0-i386-lxde+nonfree.iso from

The SHA-1 checksum is good so I’m a little puzzled. I will download a different ISO and try that.

You might try this one :

Thanks francisp, downloading now.

Edit: Debian installed, busy now wiith the Home Assistant install,but stuck on:

curl -fsSL | sh

response is: curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

Advice please?

Edit 2: I tried the curl command a few times., have now progressed a little but the response ends with:

E: Package ‘docker-ce’ has no installation candidate

I vaguely recall reading that docker does not work on 32 bit machines, but I could be completely wrong.

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Thanks for the guide, all the details were helpful!

I’ll just add that I also had to add the two lines mentioned by @SadGamerGeek to my sources.list file.

I’m really happy with the results already.

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Those lines are already in the file, but commented out, so they don’t need to be added, just have the comment removed.

I’ve tried to replicate that issue with a couple more test installs myself, and don’t have the problem. Perhaps it’s a region issue.

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It looks like this install method won’t work on a 32 bit machine, unless perhaps there is extensive tinkering. In fact, I cannot find any install method, even for Core, that will work on my netbook. I’d really appreciate confirmation of this, then I can stop my search and consider getting a 64 bit device.

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I just tried ‘sudo apt-get install docker-ce’ on my debian 10 32-bit : no available installation candidate.

There are some scripts on the net to build docker yourself on a 32-bit machine, but as you said : extensive tinkering.