Installing Home Assistant Supervised on Raspberry Pi OS

How did you install HACS? I am not able to use any add-on. I see all repos but after the installation the add-on has orange dots within the settings and I cannot use it.

I switched to this installation method a few weeks ago and itā€™s working great. I am getting some odd errors about netdisco/ that I canā€™t run down. How and where would I post the logs to get some help? Or is help out of the question with this install?


This is my first post and just looking into setting up a home controller. I was going to get the 8gb 4b, but it wasnā€™t listed as supported. Did you have any issues with it? I kinda assumed the support team is just being cautious (and specific) by saying the 8gb hasnā€™t been tested.


Thank you for the guide! I have one question though: is network-manager really needed here? In the script I do not see any reference to it, other than a check if it is actually installed.
The reason I am asking this question is the following: I have a RPI in a remote location, without network-manager installed. I have static IP set for eth0, plus a vlan on same interface (eth0.10) with static address as well. Wifi is disabled. I am just afraid, that network-manager might mess up the network setup, and then I will be really doomed without access to RPI. And when I say itā€™s remote I really mean it, itā€™s 1500 km away:)
Do you see any potential issues or it is safe to proceed?

From ADR-0014 HERE

Supported Operating System, System dependencies and versions

Docker CE (Community Edition) is the only supported containerization method for Home Assistant Supervised. We only support FHS 3.0 on the host file system.

Docker CE >= 19.03
Systemd >= 239
NetworkManager >= 1.18.0
Avahi >= 0.7
AppArmor == 2.13.x (built into the kernel)
Debian Linux Debian 10 aka Buster (no derivatives)

Using Raspi OS does not comply with the above listed ADR-0014, so itā€™s up to you if you run network-manager, but it is a listed dependency.

OK, thanks for quick reply!

I just reboot and It works, that is a great job it is awesome just next time dont sent anybody to start all over again because that is painful

I started getting these on my RPI4 supervised install just recently, any idea whatā€™s causing it?

20-09-07 14:38:25 CRITICAL (MainThread) [supervisor.utils.gdbus] Can't parse '[{"connection": {"autoconnect-priority": -999, "id": "Wired connection 1", "permissions": [], "timestamp": 1599489368, "type": "802-3-ethernet", "uuid": "43a31dc9-95d5-3e91-aa9b-0179d6f7686c"}, "proxy": {}, "802-3-ethernet": {"auto-negotiate": false, "mac-address": "ܦ2ce", "mac-address-blacklist": [], "s390-options": {}}, "ipv4": {"address-data": [], "addresses": [], "dns": [], "dns-search": [], "method": "auto", "route-data": [], "routes": []}, "ipv6": {"address-data": [], "addresses": [], "dns": [], "dns-search": [], "method": "auto", "route-data": [], "routes": []}}]
': '({'connection': {'autoconnect-priority': <-999>, 'id': <'Wired connection 1'>, 'permissions': <@as []>, 'timestamp': <uint64 1599489368>, 'type': <'802-3-ethernet'>, 'uuid': <'43a31dc9-95d5-3e91-aa9b-0179d6f7686c'>}, 'proxy': {}, '802-3-ethernet': {'auto-negotiate': <false>, 'mac-address': <[byte 0xdc, 0xa6, 0x32, 0x63, 0x10, 0x65]>, 'mac-address-blacklist': <@as []>, 's390-options': <@a{ss} {}>}, 'ipv4': {'address-data': <@aa{sv} []>, 'addresses': <@aau []>, 'dns': <@au []>, 'dns-search': <@as []>, 'method': <'auto'>, 'route-data': <@aa{sv} []>, 'routes': <@aau []>}, 'ipv6': {'address-data': <@aa{sv} []>, 'addresses': <@a(ayuay) []>, 'dns': <@aay []>, 'dns-search': <@as []>, 'method': <'auto'>, 'route-data': <@aa{sv} []>, 'routes': <@a(ayuayu) []>}},)
' - Invalid control character at: line 1 column 271 (char 270)
20-09-07 14:38:25 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't update network information!

This seems to be corrected when I updated to supervisor V 242.

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@kanga_who Many thanks for this excellent guide!
Quick Q: I am upgrading my install from pi3 to pi4. Swapped the SSD from the 3 to 4 and it works well. What is the difference between the installs, and should I go for pi4 install?
If yes, is a fresh install recommended or can I load-on-top?
Thanks in advance!

Iā€™ve not got a Pi4 to test with, only a 3, so canā€™t comment. I would always suggest that a fresh install is best practice.

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Kanga who? Well this one - he is THE man!
Many thanks :grinning:

LOL. Not sure about that, but thanks :+1:

@kanga_who, do you know how to halt a supervised install? I am in the process of migrating and want to simply stop the current instance (so it doesnā€™t interfere and I have a roll back route). I also have something else running on the Pi so donā€™t really want to shut down unless I have to.

It looks like the safest way may be to disable & mask (so they can never be started) the services

  • hassio-supervisor
  • containerd
  • docker

then reboot.

Should give me a clean shutdown of HA but will not restart on next boot. Thoughts?

The supervisor wants to start constantly, so you need to force stop and untag it, or at least thatā€™s how Iā€™ve done it in the past.

If you have a backup of your yaml and a snapshot, you could just remove altogether, leave all your config files in place, then if you need too, re-run the installer script to get back up and running.

Thank you @kanga_who!! This is exactly what I was looking for and the install page makes it sounds like itā€™s not possible. I realize its not supported, but this provide more flexibility. I think such instructions should be at least referenced from the main install page ā€¦ under unsupported.

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Masking (not just disabling) the service should stop that.

thank you for this. i was able to get it running using dietpi. :grinning:

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Iā€™m using dietpi too. Supervised is running fine on it.

Love this guide! Thanks.

I have a question, when running HA in docker I have serious issues with the stability of the connection to the Ikea hub. According to an issue raised on at Github about this, someone mentioned that the solution was to make the container run using macvlan for networking. However ( I am a docker noob btw) I have no clue what to ā€˜runā€™ and/or if docker-compose was used? Can someone shed some more light in this for me please? The answer on github is this one btw: