Installing Home Assistant Supervised on Ubuntu 18.04.4

Docker is reverting the change regarding systemd so that’s one part to wait for.

And then when that’s done a new supervisor release will have a fix.


Thanks for the info…

This also seems to work.

sudo apt-mark hold docker-ce docker-ce-cli

I see this often but I don’t see anyone showing it and it doesn’t sound correct. Your install is going to use whatever it uses…

It’s pretty easy to create a KVM VM of HA OS using virtual machine manager and assign whatever resources you like. The only “difficult” bit is making a bridge network for it so that the VM gets an IP through DHCP like any other device on your network. But I was able to use a couple of the methods given here for that.

Oh, and the VM is going to be using docker because…surprise!..It’s always used docker whether on a pi, nuc, tinkerboard, odroid, or a VM. Running it with docker was never a choice. The choice has always been which Operating System to use.

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Yes I just chose the first option on this page, which seems to give 4 alternatives.


5 posts were split to a new topic: Options for running HA OS as a VM

In what stage I add --net=host ?

It is an option to docker, you put it in your docker run command, see

I could use some assistance here.

I was having issues upgrading Hassio so I upgraded docker-ce to 20.10.1, then upgraded Ubuntu server to 20.04 LTS. I then stopped the supervisor service and deleted all of the home assistant containers via pertained (supervisor, audio, dns, etc).

I then deleted the /home/user/docker/hassio folder that contained all of the config files, etc.

I tried following this guide but when I try curl -fsSL | sh I get an error saying could not resolve host:

I then try the installation script and hit enter, it does absolutely nothing.

Edit - Solved it, there was a DNS issue. Had to modify the resolv.conf file.

So I’m seriously considering this route. I’m currently on Home Assistant supervised, version 0.117.0 on Ubuntu 20.04, and running into issues with broken Google TTS that has since been fixed in the newer releases. But also do not want to upgrade HA until I’m on a supported platform.

The machine is a Lenovo ThinkCentre M700 mini, Core i5 6th gen with 8GB RAM. How much RAM would you recommend I give to the KVM virtual machine? should I just buy another 8GB RAM and give it 8?

2 CPUs and 2 GB Ram is plenty to start with. If you think it needs more you can always allocate it later in the settings.


So I’ve been trying this installation method for a while now without success on Ubuntu 20.04 - quite possibly as a result of my lack of Linux skills (I’m totally new).

When running the install script, I’m hitting the following:

root@Home-Assistant-Ubuntu:~# curl -sL "" | bash -s
[info] This script is taken from the official
[info] Home Assistant Supervised script available at
[info] Creating NetworkManager configuration
[warn] Changes are needed to the /etc/network/interfaces file
[info] If you have modified the network on the host manualy, those can now be overwritten
[info] If you do not overwrite this now you need to manually adjust it later
[info] Do you want to proceed with overwriting the /etc/network/interfaces file? [N/y] 
[info] Replacing /etc/network/interfaces
[info] Restarting NetworkManager
[info] Install supervisor Docker container
invalid reference format

Seems to be an issue when trying to pull the supervisor docker image (from the script) -

# Pull supervisor image
info "Install supervisor Docker container"
docker pull "$HASSIO_DOCKER:$HASSIO_VERSION" > /dev/null
docker tag "$HASSIO_DOCKER:$HASSIO_VERSION" "$HASSIO_DOCKER:latest" > /dev/null

I have tried downgrading the docker version, but that seems to have had no effect either:

root@Home-Assistant-Ubuntu:~# docker --version
Docker version 19.03.15, build 99e3ed8919

Manually calling for the HASSIO_VERSION
((curl -s "" | jq -e -r '.supervisor'))
correctly returns 2021.02.11 but I think the versioning of HA changed recently - is this maybe the issue in the script?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Many thanks


Please read the first post

Hi samnewman86

My understanding was that the deprecation of this method was on hold and that in fact many users have successfully installed using this method and are still running it.

As far as I can tell, it is the only current method of running with the supervisor in a containerized manner.

Am I missing something?

You need to use Debian not ubuntu


@Drewgy Try this one:

Working fine for me on 18.04. I get the “not supported” message but everything works.

No luck with that one either Scope666. :frowning:

Did you run this on 18.04 since HA changed their versioning?

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No, it has been awhile since I ran it. I have my Docker install frozen at 19.03 because there was an alert about compatibility with 20.x. Everything is still working, but once in awhile, usually after a full reboot, I have to do a sudo service hassio-supervisor restart to fix the “not healthy” error.

Don’t use Ubuntu, as is stated in the first post, Debian 10 is the OS to use and has been for close to a year now.

If you are starting a fresh install, you have absolutely no need whatsoever to use Ubuntu over Debian.

Well, I sucked it up and completely rebuilt my server. Now it’s happy: