Here’s another one, I reported the documentation’s new theme contains a style that forces text into all lowercase. That aesthetic choice creates factual errors. For example, an MQTT Binary Sensor has a payload_on option whose default value is (and always has been ) uppercase ON but the new style forces it to lowercase on. It was reported 26 days ago.
Is there any intent to create an ongoing support topic for those of us running Ubuntu 18.04.4? As issues come up over the coming months, this Installation topic seems the wrong place to discuss configuration changes needed to maintain an unsupported, supervised instance.
Thank you Francis. I’m hoping to limit the proliferation of similar topics making it easier to locate the support information. Also, I’m a not at all qualified to be managing such a topic.
Being that it is not an “officially” supported installation type, it would be community supported, and I would have no issue if that occurred in this thread, I guess that helps to keep in all in one place.
My intention in writing the guide was never to provide support, only to assist in the installation process based on my own experience and notes on how to achieve a working system.
What other installation methods have you changed from? Ubuntu does not care about Home Assistant and is not going to conform to whatever needs the project requires. Ubuntu uses what is good for Ubuntu.
The Ubuntu Kernel uses patches they are in development state, which breaks our udev and AppArmor handling (which work perfect with mainstream Kernel). Every update can make break your system because we do not stop moving forward with such technology.
I don’t have the knowledge to dispute this claim but, based on several months of using Home Assistant Supervised (which means at least 6 versions) there’s been no “breakage” with my Ubuntu 18.04. That’s no guarantee the next 6 versions will happily co-exist with Ubuntu but so far it hasn’t been as troublesome as predicted.
So… I seem to have broken HA (installed as per this guide) and since I can’t get HA to load I was wondering what the fastest way to get it running again would be. Hoping I can jump to somewhere after the Ubuntu install since that is still working fine
Yeah as per @kanga_who rerun the script.
I did inexplicably have something similar happen recently and one of the docker containers had the wrong tag so supervisor couldn’t start it so I retagged the image and restarted supervisor and everything roared back into life again. But yeah… re-run the script would be simple solution as well
Unfortunately that didn’t help. I can SSH / Samba to the files etc so I’ll see if I can just copy over some and reboot… Failing that I need to do a fresh install and restore a backup