Installing Home Assistant Supervised on Ubuntu 18.04.4

Hereā€™s the Pi guide.

Hey @kanga_who thank your for your continued support of Home Assistant - It is really cool.
Iā€™m pretty new to the home automation scene, while I have about 30 MQTT devices I had been doing it via Hoobs.

While I am pretty apted at Linux, Docker and Home Assistant is pretty new to me.

Iā€™ve got most of it worked out but I was hoping to modify one of my automation this long weekend.
I found the Workday sensor in Home Assistant, but it is out of sync by +10 hours, (my timezone).
Discussion at Workday sensor triggering at midday not midnight indicates that the Timezone environment variable is set to UTC.

What is the correct way to change this in Docker and could it be adjusted in the installation script to be the same as locally?

Thank you

As long as you have the correct timezone information in configuration.yaml you shouldnā€™t have any timezone issues.

I have in configuration.yaml:

time_zone: Australia/Melbourne

{{ now() }}
{{ now().tzinfo }}
{{ now().astimezone() }}
{{ now().astimezone().tzinfo }}

Gives the result:

2020-06-07 13:40:03.909576+10:00
2020-06-07 03:40:03.909940+00:00

RTC at BIOS is running as UTC and Timezone is correctly set as per default normal debian installation. Current time is correct and everything is running fine in Home Assistant as it should all except the Workday sensor.

Apparently this caused by the Docker being installed without a timezone set??

I donā€™t use that sensor, so Iā€™m not sure how is operates. Perhaps you could just add a +/- offset to it to have it read correctly.

I have followed this tutorial and it also works for Ubuntu 20.04, if anybody wants to try it.

Great job, BTW. :+1:

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@kanga_who from my understanding of the instructions, this is still running home-assistant supervised on a docker and still support the addons and supervisor functions, right?

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It will give you Home Assistant Supervised with everything that comes with that.

I am running an issue with CEC Scanner. I am getting following error:


Anyone know how to fix the issue?

Someone mentioned elsewhere (FB, I think) about the apparmor version not being compatible with the supervised install on Ubuntu and therefore Debian has to be used.

Is that true, or does it only apply to certain Ubuntu version (and if so, which)?


Thanks you so much for this tutorial. the installation was so easy on my surface pro 3 running Ubuntu server 18.04 :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Just a small typo (that I would correct myself but Iā€™m not permitted to edit the topicā€™s title) but itā€™s 18.04.4 not 18.04.04

Screenshot from 2020-06-24 21-35-52

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I just noticed a couple of days ago that my title editing privileges were removed too.

That must have been changed during the last forum maintenance session last week. Not that Iā€™ve used it much but I was going to change one and noticed it wasnā€™t there.

Yeah, I used to have some sort of wiki status and could convert others posts to a wiki to edit, but that has been removed. Probably just because Iā€™m an ass though. :wink:

Thank you, I have updated accordingly.

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Hi All,

Thanks for a great tutorial. Iā€™ve followed the instructions and got HA working on an old machine I have here.
One thing I would like to do is map a USB port to be able to use Zigbee, what is the best way to do this? I see over in the Home Assistant Container tutorial they use a docker-compose.yaml file.
I canā€™t understand how this guide starts the docker machines, I see the install script uses ā€œsystemctl start hassio-supervisor.serviceā€ but canā€™t figure out what happens from there?

On the assumption that ā€œhassio-supervisorā€ triggers everything else, Iā€™ve run the command

sudo systemctl disable hassio-supervisor

Iā€™ve also looked at Portainer to confirm that restart policy for hassio_supervisor is set to none.

So I am a bit of a loss as to how it is restarting on reboot?



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See if this works for you.

Thank you, Iā€™ll have a play.

Just installed Home Assistant Supervised on a dietpi system using these instructions. Everything seems to be working except the automation editor. I do not have drop downs for anything but the Devices. If I select Call Service, no drop down exists and I have to edit via yaml. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey great tutorial! I just finished my install, but I donā€™t see the supervisor panel. I think my defunct core install is overriding the config.

2 Questions:
If I want to start over with a clean install with your tutorial, do I delete my config files and run something again?

How do I stop/restart/manage the containers? Is that what portainer is for?

I donā€™t see the addon store or anything. Am I supposed to?

Thanks again!

everything ok up until ā€˜curl -sL ā€œā€ | bash -sā€™. I get no output and a quick return to the prompt. after I changed the command into ā€˜curl -L ā€œā€ | bash -sā€™ to get eventual errors I get:
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:ā€“:-- 0:00:02 --:ā€“:-- 0curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused

I searched the internet for a couple of hours but could not find a solution or even what could cause this problem.

So I hope somebody here can help me with a solution or workaround.