Installing Home Assistant Supervised using Debian 12

Why are you running this as a VM?

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Unfortunately you did not strictly follow this guide.

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My current machine Proxmox runs Debian 12 Bookworm ← VM, so you are telling me this can’t run supervised? Am I lost somewhere?

which part of the guide? I’m running Debian 12 on proxmox which running i7 intel. r u saying this will not be able to run supervised?

This guide is not for Proxmox.

Secondly, why would you run a Debian VM and then install Supervised when you can much more easily run a HA OS VM?


This guide is for installing Home Assistant Supervised using Debian 12 on a bare metal machine but not for running HA Supervised on Proxmox.

A little search would have brought you to i.e.

and so many more… :wink:


Well, running supervised version on proxmox give u more in terms of going into the machine, unlike HAOS. Which on Debian 11 have no problem.

For what purpose though?

The point of running a Hypervisor like Proxmox is that you can deploy multiple CTs or VMs making it unnecessary “go into the machine”.

I must admit I do this too on a dev machine. Yes I hate HAOS that much and like to run bash scripts etc and non approved docker containers.

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I do the same on my test machine, but as a daily driver there is absolutely no need to run Supervised in a VM if you are using Proxmox. It’s completely redundant.

For someone like yourself @DavidFW1960 who knows their way around these sorts of things it’s not an issue, but adding extra layers into a system for someone who doesn’t have the skill set or knowledge around how to solve issues just isn’t necessary.

I’ve been using HA OS myself for a number of years in a Proxmox VM and just run CTs and VMs for anything else, keeps things nice and simple.

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honestly, it gives me more control on HA side and furthermore and the most important thing is to be able to install auto Google backup which only can run on HAOS or HA Supervised. Else I will go with the docker method and install everything else on a separate LXC.

How? I’d be really interested to know


I would be very interested in this too and am willing to rethink my HA installation strategy to get that claimed even more control over HA :+1:t3:

WARNING this line bricks debian 12 installs ability to connect to net.
sudo apt install apparmor jq wget curl udisks2 libglib2.0-bin network-manager dbus lsb-release systemd-journal-remote systemd-resolved -y

everything after results in Temporary failure resolving ''
cant even ping a domain like

Ended up reformating and reinstalling debian 12 to resolve the issue, then followed these instructions again to brick the system again.

It’s not an issue with those instructions - they are required for a Supervised installation.

I believe the issue is with the systemd-resolved package and a fix is posted above, outside of the control of HA.

can you point me towards this fix? there are 1085 replies and the thread loads via ajax infinite scroll so its a bit hard to search for anything relevant.

Should be THIS.

Thank you. Much apreciated

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