Installing Home Assistant Supervised using Debian 12

the only thing I’ve found that breaks in Debian 11 is the Portainer supervisor addon.

Update: For some unknown reason, this morning the addon works normally. AFAK, nothing changed overnight but it’s not longer an issue.

Not broken for me and it doesn’t even make sense that it would be

Hi! I have installed debian 10 and cinnamon too.
And have error at last step, when trying to execute this command:

curl -sL "" | bash -s

can you please advice what to do with an connection error?

you must have skipped a step…go back and follow the instructions exactly.

no skip. already tried three times before to write this topic on forum. maybe any else ideas?

try installing with gnome…your problem may be the desktop you’ve chosen.

ok. will try.

Hello all

I do not think that i will add much to this discussion. the only thing i can do is share my experience going from 0 knowledge to 1 in installing debian and HA… i am by no means a hero yet.

As i mentioned it took me 7 rebuilds of my laptop to install debian 10 and then i struggled for 2 days with the installation script. I succeeded

I am running debian 10 with cinnamon

the only wisdom i can partake is to check and re-check you syntax your line and character spacing and most of all be patient and let the processes run their course.

once i did this it worked

sorry for not being of more help

Hi, Installed the SSH and WEB terminal in supervisor. Can i use this keeping Debian 10 updatet? and how?

I can not run the “sudo apt update…” command, it returns apt: command not found

You can’t use the addon for that. You have to run the update command on the host.

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If you use the SSH terminal from the supervisor it will create it’s own docker container with it’s own resources. It’s not really helpfull in the way you might think.

It will SSH into the docker container (You would assume you have a SSH session to your host, but it’s not, it is an empty container) instead of the host machine. Usually any changes you make in that container will revert back to it’s original settings when the container is restarted (unless you use volumes or host mounts. But that is not the default setting). You can’t make changes to the general settings on the host from a container… this is just how it works)

It’s better to use putty on your windows machine and SSH into the host ip/hostname. If you are using linux as your default operating system of your laptop or desktop you are golden! You probably do not even have to install an application as you can use the terminal (referred as the command prompt in windows (or powershell)). In my optionion it’s far more advanced then just using putty and a windows machine. You will learn linux much faster if you ditch windows from your main machine :slight_smile:

In conclusion. You can’t use a container to update the host as docker containers are usually separated from the host… You have already demonstrated this yourself… The apt-get command does not work on the SSH terminal container because it’s not installed in the container because it’s basically a small installation of linux that only has the required software installed to make that container work (if the container only serves a webserver it will usually only have the HTTP server installed. if it does MYSQL it only has the bare minimum and the MYSQL server installed)

Sure enough, you can install apt(-get) on the container but it will only try and update the software in that container (not the host). Once the container restarts the apt(-get) is gone again. The container will get rebuilt completely as it restarts.

Not really. The HA containers are built on alpine linux, they don’t use apt. You need a debian (derivative) to use apt(-get)

That is totally correct.


I stand corrected. :tophat:

tl;dr - Do this to update the OS. :wink:

I got brave! I used Terminal & SSG from HA, got the command line of ~ $ typed in what was recommended to update the OS, and got:

bash: sudo: command not found

please be gentle - I never ever muck about with debian.

I don’t think you can update debian using Terminal & SSH. You stay in the HA container. Maybe with the SSH & Web terminal from the community add-ons. But best bet is to install dropbear or openshh-server straight on debian. I use dropbear myself.

Oh, ok thanks. I can do it right from the PC - there’s a monitor/keyboard/mouse hooked to it, I just rarely use them.

Aaaaand this is why I never mess with it.
Debian GNU/Linux 10 Debian tty1… “Login incorrect”
And it’s the only login/password combination that I HAVE for it.
When I get TOO frustrated, I’ll do a full backup of HA, and then start from scratch.

Just checking - this WILL work, yes? If I just go and follow the directions in the first post as if it was a new install, and then go and restore from backup?

I’m just stumped and stuck at Login. I only have one login and password, and that’s not working, and I don’t want to spend tons of time/effort, and frustration here.