Installing Home Assistant Supervised using Debian 12

Thank you for responding so quickly#
it says os agent

when i click on it it asks me to start it or install it

how do i do this?

post nr. 683 in this topic.

It’s in the OP. Section 3

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thank you for your reply

Sorry to all i do not understand what you mean
post nr 683 in the topic
it’s in the op section 3

See here: .

Thank you

I now figured and i now see what you meant
and i’m reading through this
sorry for being so illiterate

and again thank you for your patience

Thank you so much I did inserted these 3 lines of code and it worked the error in the system page is gone

and i created a back up as of now.

again thank you

in the supervisor logs i still get the following warning I do not this this applies to me and i should ignore them however as a matter of being thorough i see the followinf msg.

21-10-25 13:48:30 WARNING (MainThread) [] ‘Supervisor.restart’ blocked from execution, system is not running - CoreState.STARTUP

21-10-25 14:02:46 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘snapshot_exclude’ is deprecated, ‘backup_exclude’ should be used instead. Please report this to the maintainer of AdGuard Home
21-10-25 14:02:46 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘snapshot’ is deprecated, ‘backup’ should be used instead. Please report this to the maintainer of UniFi Controller
21-10-25 14:05:50 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.rauc] Host has no rauc support. OTA updates have been disabled

I rebooted the PC, restart core and reloaded supervisor

thank you for being patient with me

Nothing you can do about these. First two have to do with the rename of snapshot to backup, and needs to be solved by the add-on creators, the rauc message is normal on a supervised install.

thank you for responding

i consider mi issue solved thank to you all

Just to make navigation in the forums easier for you :wink:

thank you

i did finally figure it out

i typed the code offered here above by @francisp and it solve my problem.
i still feel that we should still be able to install HA supervisor on ubuntu Windows in a virtual box
once again thank you

I just upgraded from Buster to Bullseye over the weekend.
Went fairly quickly with no unexpected burps or hiccups.

But was it from Raspbian Buster to Debian Bullseye? That was my question specifically.

No, it was Debian Buster to Debian Bullseye on an Intel NUC x64 platform.

So just for anyone that is interested, should you have the temerity to run ANY containers outside HA on a supervised system, the HA gods have decreed with the latest supervisor ‘update’ that you are now and forevermore unhealthy and unsupported.
Unhealthy is easily fixed by running this command:

ha jobs options --ignore-conditions healthy

But unsupported there is no workaround I know of and the supervisor log will start bitching at you as well…


I might add this into the OP of the guide if you are happy with that? Just to confirm, this command is executed from within the HA container, not a Debian shell?

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Yeah from ssh & web terminal addon is what I use but could docker exec into the container and run it there.

End result

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Alternatively, if you have Portainer, you can run it in the hassio_cli console.


How do you reset ha jobs options --ignore-conditions healthy?
I tried ha jobs reset, then ha supervisor restart.
Still shows: