Hi, Im trying to install python-matter-server on my pi and i dowloaded the chip wheels for linux using the pip install chip-repl and chip-core stuff. When i try to activate the server however, I get the error that it cant find a file called chip.json and it terminates itself. Don’t know how to fix this. I want to run the python-matter-server and use it with my own scripts to control matter devices.
Just want to get the python-matter-server running because it has robust implementation for sending commands etc, but i dont want to use HASSIO bc i need to run just basic debian
You are on the wrong site!
Matter is really new, so not many is running it yet.
Those who are running it here will almost entirely be running the precompiled addon for HAOS or HA supervised installations.
The developers that make the Matter addon are not necessary on the forum, so the chances to get help there is also minimal.
Thank you! I will look into that. Suggestions on where to go to ask the developers?