Installing Homeassist on rasdberry Pi3 eventually I can see on my pc browser but no boot or CLI on TFT

I cannot see the Home Assistant CLI and boot progress on the Pi3B TFT LCD but it is visible on the Pi HDMI output. After fully booted , Home assistant is running perfectly when I browse to it on my PC but I will not have a HDMI monitor on the Pi HDMI soon and want to divert the text stream to the existing Pi3 onboard LCD. I am told I need SDI enabled. How do I do that to the Rasberry Pi running Home assistant ?

Home Assistant is headless. Is there a reason why you think you need a display? - you can SSH in if needs be.

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Agree with Neil, its literally a ‘nothing to see here move along’ item.

It doesn’t spit anything to the console screen that doesn’t show in the logs and you can get to the shell through the SSH /terminal addin.

The only time you need to get there is if the Pi doesn’t load the web interface at which time I’d advise you to move the Pi to a monitor.