Installing iCloud calendar to HA


Please could i have some help with getting my icloud calendar to work in HA
I have yet to find a post what works.

I am new to HA and am going through a big learning curve

I am using the Caldav intergration

I did add the below to my config.yaml file and it did see the icloud calendar but then dropped off a hour later with

Could not receive events for calendar

Example configuration.yaml entry for iCloud, calendars will be found automatically


  • platform: caldav
    url: https:// CALENDAR URL FROM ICLOUD
    username: EMAIL

I have tried the Above and also removed the “s” to http:// as i see this in a post.

Im confused that this did bring the calendar in so the oath was working but has now stopped

Any help on this would be Appreciated

Is it this one? And then where do you see that you require this to do this on configyaml?

CalDAV - Home Assistant

Thanks for your reply

So if i click on the caldav integration i get the below

I put in the URL of the calendar - Copied from I cloud - Calendar - Public

I add my apple id user name and password and doesn’t work
I then try with user name and app specific password - didn’t work

I then added the yaml in first post to the confi.yaml file as there was a lot of people saying this is how you do it.

It worked and i was seeing the icloud calendar but then stopped working

as i said I’m am new to HA and yaml, and also the file structure LOL

i have looked at the HA link you sent across and i have seen this but still cant fully understand how to do it.

If you could explain in the most simple terms what you think is wrong and if you know how to fix

Much appriciated

If you use this (!) integration then you should follow this (!) setup, anything people say is not supported (although it may still work, usually this is old setup)
Wrt to Apple, I cannot help as I have no experience here but on a slightly (?!) similar note, the hotmail/outlook integration changed a few months ago and you now need a much more complex connection setup. It may (?) be that this caldav does not work with apple…I checked a few posts and they all seems to show issues with this integration.
Maybe someone else in this Forum knows more?

Thanks, I am trying the Caldav HA guide now but again it just keeps saying fail to connect when entering all my details.

I will continue to try this but appreciate you quick response

As I mentioned, there are issues, if you look in the link I sent on the left side: Known Issues, then in GitHub you will find open/closed(old) issues. I am not 100% sure but it does not look good (also based on other reddit posts)

Make sure the URL in the CalDav setup is the one in the CalDav app.

I’m using the integration locally with a Synology NAS. (Works very well.) I expected the URL to be something like:

Turns out, it’s:
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Hey there, I am also very new to HA, so maybe I was only lucky :slight_smile:

But I followed the easy button “add integration to my HA” and entered the following in the window that was launched. And everything works smoothly!

username: [email protected]
password: your_app_specific_password

You may find further support here: CalDAV - Home Assistant

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