Installing pyatv with cffi compiler error (Synology)

My goal is to run atvremote to configure/install the apple tv component. See instructions here.
In the terminal have the following code:
pip3 install --upgrade pyatv
and the following error:
pip3: command not found
What i did was adding a symbolic link to my /usr/local/bin/ directory:
ln -s /volume1/@appstore/py3k/usr/local/bin/pip3 /usr/local/bin/pip3

So far so good. But when I try to install pyatv
pip3 install --upgrade pyatv
which is needed to run atvremote I get this error:

Collecting cffi>=1.7 (from cryptography>=1.8.1->pyatv)
Using cached cffi-1.10.0.tar.gz
Complete output from command python egg_info

    No working compiler found, or bogus compiler options
    passed to the compiler from Python's distutils module.
    See the error messages above.
    (If they are about -mno-fused-madd and you are on OS/X 10.8,
    see .)


Command python egg_info failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-nooxy3bi/cffi/

It seems that it has something to do with a compiler. Did anyone fix this error? Any help is greatly appreciated :-).
Just for information. I’m running homeassistant on a Synology DS414.

Decided to stop building HASS on my Synology DS414. I’m in the process of setting it up on a Raspberry Pi 3B. Had a lot of trouble with dependencies. And no nmap support due to CPU (armv7l - Marvell Armada XP).

What you could do is install chroot ( from the SynoCommunity ( package source. It will run a parallel debian instance where you can install HASS and run apt-get and pip3 commands.

hmm. interesting. didn’t know of the existence of debian chroot. Nice to know that I have a backup plan for installing packages and such. Thanks.

I’m running into the same cffi issue trying to install homeassistant in a venv on my DS418. Has anyone found another solution?

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