Installing Smart Whole House Fan (QuietCool)

Finished installing my whole house fan. Both power and speed can still be controlled manually by physical switches.

For dashboard UI

  - type: fan-speed
type: tile
entity: fan.central

For fan template

- platform: template
      entity_id: fan.central
      friendly_name: "Central Fan"
      value_template: "{{ states('switch.central_fan_power') }}"
      percentage_template: >
        {% if is_state('switch.central_fan_power', 'off') %} 0
        {% elif is_state('switch.central_fan_speed', 'off') %} 50
        {% else %} 100
        {% endif %}
        - service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.central_fan_power
        - service: switch.turn_off
            entity_id: switch.central_fan_power
      speed_count: 2
        - service: switch.turn_{{ 'on' if percentage > 0 else 'off' }}
            entity_id: switch.central_fan_power
        - service: switch.turn_{{ 'on' if percentage == 100 else 'off' }}
            entity_id: switch.central_fan_speed
        # this is duplicate of the first service switch, else the switch `state` won't be updated and will be out of sync.
        - service: switch.turn_{{ 'on' if percentage > 0 else 'off' }}
            entity_id: switch.central_fan_power

You need to replace the entity Id with the name of your switches for power and speed.

Wiring diagram. This is only for 2 speeds.

I also have a bunch of automation created in node-red.


Double gang switch:
This switch works with SmartLife/Tuya and I’m using LocalTuya in HomeAssistant. This switch is rated 10A so should be able to handle a 1000watts fan. Just make sure the size of the QuietCooll fan is less than that.

I also created binary sensor derived from different doors and windows sensors. This makes it easier to reference automation.

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "House Air Opening"
      device_class: opening
      value_template: >
          (states('binary_sensor.garage_exit')|bool  and states('binary_sensor.garage_entrance')|bool) 
          or states('binary_sensor.family_room_w1')|bool
          or states('binary_sensor.family_room_w2')|bool
          or states('binary_sensor.living_room_w1')|bool
          or states('binary_sensor.living_room_w2')|bool
          or states('binary_sensor.living_room_w3')|bool
          or states('binary_sensor.master_bedroom_window_1')|bool
          or states('binary_sensor.sliding_door')|bool
          or states('binary_sensor.guest_room_w1')|bool
          or states('binary_sensor.guest_room_w2')|bool

This is very cool! I just picked up the Quietcool Smart Attic Gable Fan (AFG SMT PRO-2.0) which is controllable via bluetooth. This might be a dumb question - But I am assuming if I wired mine in a similar fashion as you using a couple of relays, I would effectively be bypassing and disabling the bluetooth control?

I’m not sure about the Attic fan but it should be the same concept and yes, it will become wifi control instead of Bluetooth. I’m using Home Assistant as a dedicated controller for all my smart devices instead of separate apps.

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this looks great - and the switch looks good, Im looking to buy the zigbee version

Could I get the 3 gang version and make the buttons do high, off, low?

got it working with the Quietcool ES-4700 and the moes Zigbee 2-gang switch

Diagram in OP’s post is just missing constant power to the fan itself.

I am in the process of installing the same setup as you and overlooked the requirement for the constant power at the motor per the diagram (oops). If i may ask, how did you provide the required always “on” power?

I was debating tapping into the “load 1” line before the relay (which would need both switches to be active to do the high speed) but part of me is hesitant on what would happen if just the second switch was on with no constant power at the motor. Personally I’m not too clear on how the ECM motor would handle it which has me holding back. An automation could make sure if the second switch was active, the first would turn on but i would hate to rely on that working 100%.

Not pressuring you into giving electrical advice by any means but I just wanted to verify your approach! Truthfully i just need to run power to the motor rather than from the switch but was looking for the simpler way out if possible.


Sorry, can’t give you the exact diagram since I had my electrician do it. He first tried to wire it exactly like the OP had in his picture but it didn’t work. He said he suspected it would need constant power directly to the fan, which the manually actually shows in their configuration with their own switch

Highly recommend getting a 2gang switch like the moes which will guarantee you won’t accidentally turn on both low and high at the same time. The switch is wired exactly like how the OP has it. I can switch between high or low any time, even if the fan switch is off. It just doesn’t do anything until it’s turned on

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Thank you for the quick reply, all good information to know!

Like you mentioned, the manual does show constant supply (regardless of switch state) at the fan so I really should heed that. No sense in raising the risk of a fire because I wanted to save a few hours of work!