Installing Sonoff intergration for Home Assistant on Itead ihost device

Installing Sonoff intergration for Home Assistant on Itead ihost device anyway?
I have installed Home Assistant via docker (I think)…when I search Github to install Sonoff it says I have to be in supervisor…any way I can do that?


The page I get on Itead iHost under docker is this

Then Sonoff says I have to do this:

And this:

But I do not have the option to add any repositories or even Add-on Store
Maybe because I have HA in a docker and not installed on my laptop?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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I am coping with the same issues.
The iHost is a neat machine with a lot of potential. But it is still in beta, if you ask me.
Home Assistant works well, but there is no way of restoring a backup in docker. And so far there is no real management or backup for the whole system or entire dockers.
iobroker works well too. Restore is possible through FTP and other channels. But there I cannot access the devices connected to iHost.
I’m afraid it will take a while before the functions will be available. But if anyone has an idea…?

Good news! With Firmware 1.6.2 the iHost can now somewhat manage Docker Containers. You can install filebrowser/filebrowser and get access to configuration.yaml and other files.
Follow the instructions here. 【Add-on Guide】Volume management & Filebrowser add-on - #4 by Teki - eWeLink CUBE - eWeLink Forum
But instead of Node-Red, create a volume “homeassistant” and 1install homeassistant/armv7-homeassistant with the homeassistant volume referencing to /config, Et voila.

Hello! I was able to apply the aforementioned procedure and I can now edit the Home Assistant files. I wonder if it’s possible to create a supervisor container, and integrate it into the main one using this method. I think the container called armv7-hassio-supervisor is a supervisor, but I didn’t find anything about the practical use of it. The closest was this link below for use on Synology. Could someone here with more experience be able to adapt that procedure to our iHost?