Installing Wazuh agent on Home Assistant

Hi, I need to run the below account on HASS. I can’t seem to get it right from the command line. But not sure how I do this as this as HASS is the the Ubuntu install that I am used to.

wget && sudo WAZUH_MANAGER='ip-address' WAZUH_AGENT_NAME='hass' dpkg -i ./wazuh-agent_4.7.4-1_amd64.deb

HA OS ? Can’t do. HA OS is built on Buildroot, not Debian, so can’t install .deb packages.

and other advice…
A note to remember for the future. As a new Home Assistant person you probably wouldn’t know this. The term HASS means hate in German, so the Home Assistant Project has not used that anywhere a customer will see it for 4 or 5 years. There are some internal code references that have not been converted yet and that gets fixed as things are edited.

Thanks for the heads up; noted and apologies if any offense was cause.

No offense, just being a friendly resource as you have no way of knowing that.