Installing Zigbee SkyConnect

Hope someone can help.

I thought this was going to be simple adding in Zigbee yo my HA. I have a SkyConnect. I thought it would be plug and play but the SkyConnect will not connect as it says running the wrong firmware.

Your device is running the wrong firmware and cannot be used with ZHA until the correct firmware is installed. A repair has been created with more information and instructions for how to fix this.

Following the link I end up with this:

Your Zigbee radio was previously used with multiprotocol (Zigbee and Thread) and still has multiprotocol firmware installed: (CPC). To run your radio exclusively with ZHA, you need to install Zigbee firmware. Follow your Zigbee radio manufacturer’s instructions for how to do this.

I cannot find any up to date documentation on this, can anyone please help!!!

2 Likes covers what you need

Thank you, firmware successfully upgraded now stuck with it not connecting!

Are you sure that port is correct?

yes this is the one whilst installing:

You’ve disabled and uninstalled the multi-protocol add-on?

yes I have

All fixed and working!

What was the problem?

You can also flash SkyConnect with the official Web-Flasher (SL Web Tools) →

You can get official firmware images here →

Anotgher tip; more ‘how-to’ information about the SkyConnect here → as well as here →

…and more tips and general discussion regarding the SkyConnect dongle here → Home Assistant SkyConnect - official radio USB dongle will be compatible with both Zigbee and OpenThread (including Matter/CHIP over Thread) - #178 by Hedda

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Replying here as Google took me here.
Your comment led me to fix it.

My skyconnect had been configured to use MultiProtocol and I had the MultiProtocol add-on installed and used accordingly.
However, this add-on wasn’t set to start on boot. Once I started the add-on, the ZHA integration worked.

@Joldiges FYI, using the multi-protocol firmware (a.k.a. multi-PAN RCP) is no longer recommend, instead it is recommend to use eithrr the Zigbee EmberZNet NCP firmware for Zigbee or the OpenThread RCP firmware for Thread. See the FAQ and documentation for the Connect ZBT-1 (formerly SkyConnect):



Multiprotocol will remain an experimental feature and is not recommended for use.

When we launched this device, we announced our intent to release firmware supporting multiprotocol, which allows the device’s Silicon Labs chip to connect to both Zigbee and Thread networks with one radio.

This experimental firmware has been available since December 2022. Through extensive testing, we have found that although it works in some circumstances, it has technical limitations that lead to a worse user experience. We now do not recommend using this firmware, and it will be experimental for the foreseeable future. Instead, we will focus on making sure the dedicated Zigbee and Thread firmwares for Home Assistant Connect ZBT-1 deliver the best experience to users.

If you currently have the multiprotocol firmware installed but don’t actively use it to connect to Thread devices, we recommend that you disable multiprotocol.

Nothing changes for current users of the multiprotocol firmware who are happy with their experience. The experimental multiprotocol firmware will remain available, but we will not recommend it to new users.