Insteon 2242 Hub

Hello. I’m yet another Insteon user New to HA. I have a Hub 2242-222 rev 2.1. Based on the label on the bottom of the hub, there is no username/password so I assume pre-2014. However, I can access via browser on port 25105 - see image

I have a fairly simple Insteon environment with the one hub and about 10 switches/dimmers and a few lamp modules. I don’t really have any scenes. I just use some schedules (timed, not sunrise/sunset) to turn on/off devices. The schedules are still working but times need to be adjusted (should have use rise/set). It would really not be a big problem to have to relink my switches to the hub if needed.

My issue in setting up HA is in the authentication. I have done a NETWORK reset, but trying every version of admin/INSTEON ID I can it fails to authenticate. I have tried adding hub v1 and hub v2 to HA, switching ports between 25105 and 9761 on both. I tried using my hub browser connection (not HA) to change the user/password. I have not yet done a factory reset.

Any help from the community is appreciated.

See if this helps:

Thank you, but I had looked at that thread before posting. Since I can connect via HTTP on port 25105 and can’t on 9761, I’m working on the ASSumption of v2, but HA will not connect. So,

  1. which “integration” do I use based on the specific Insteon Hub I have - v1 or v2.
  2. Then how do I authenticate?
  3. And finally, should I factory reset in an attempt to fix the authentication problem

When adding the Insteon integration using the GUI, the 2242 should be v1, so select v1 and use port 9761 which should already be the default. There shouldn’t be anything to authenticate for the 2242 that I know of. If that setup attempt fails, then not sure what to tell you other than to check the logs. You could factory reset, but I presume that will cause you to loose your link database, but since you mentioned relinking your devices would not be so bad, then perhaps you should factory reset.

I’m tempted to use the older hub instead of my constantly crashing newer hub. It might also allow me to bring all the old x10 devices back into use. I had retired them when insteon stopped supporting them with the newer hub.