HUB 2242 (422 Europe) seem working, have an IP, DHCP enable but failed to connect to HA (Ubuntu/VirtualBox on a dedicated laptop).
The 2242 label just shows the ID (AA.BB.CC) and the port 25105. Does not show any password. and according Insteon is a pre-2014 HUB. HUB IP on DHCP is
The HA IP is in the same range: and I can browsw HA there.
HUB IP ping response ok
I can html command the HUB like and returns the IP, mask, etc. SO it seems working.
Trying to Insteon integration as Version 1 (2242) on the HUB IP and port 25105 doesn’t ask for user/pass and ends Failing.
Trying the same as Version 2 (with user/pass) also Fail.
A network reset for 2242 should reset the user/pass to user:admin pass:HUB ID (Label without dots). I did many times with the same results for Version 1 Integration. always Fail.
With the html command 192…/a.htm I’m able to change the user/pass. I changed to admin/BBBBB and it seems be permanent as if I send the same command, it shows now the new user/pass.
Using this user/pass with Version 2 integration also Fail.
Any advice on how to log what happens during the connect try? I takes some time trying, but always Fail connect.
Here I show the html access to my hub with /network.htm
As someone suggest I tried the same but from HA Portable in another windows laptop. I got the same Fail connect…but I noticed this error on the console
If I try to connect as HUB version 1 (2242) (just IP and Port, no user/pass) I Got this error below many times in Console: It looks like he wants to use some “self arguments” that maybe does NOT match with my HUB?? (The 2242 Hub is also connected by ethernet, not serial, nor USB)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\install\Downloads\HassWP_2022.2.3\python-3.9.10.amd64\lib\asyncio\events.py”, line 80, in _run
self._context.run(self._callback, *self.args)
File "C:\Users\install\Downloads\HassWP_2022.2.3\config\deps\Python39\site-packages\serial_asyncio_init.py", line 307, in _poll_write
if self.serial.out_waiting < self._max_out_waiting:
AttributeError: ‘Serial’ object has no attribute ‘out_waiting’
2022-04-29 18:53:53 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Exception in callback SerialTransport._poll_write()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\install\Downloads\HassWP_2022.2.3\python-3.9.10.amd64\lib\asyncio\events.py”, line 80, in _run
self._context.run(self._callback, *self.args)
File "C:\Users\install\Downloads\HassWP_2022.2.3\config\deps\Python39\site-packages\serial_asyncio_init.py", line 307, in _poll_write
if self.serial.out_waiting < self._max_out_waiting:
AttributeError: ‘Serial’ object has no attribute ‘out_waiting’
2022-04-29 18:53:57 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.insteon.config_flow] Could not connect to Insteon modem
If I try to connect as HUB version 2 (2245 IP, port, user/pass):
This error is when trying to connect as HUB Version 2 (2245 with user/pass) just to try since my hub is 2242.
2022-04-29 17:58:48 ERROR (MainThread) [pyinsteon.protocol.http_reader_writer] Client error: (<class ‘aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError’>) Cannot connect to host ssl:default [No es posible el acceso a la ubicación de red. Para obtener información para solucionar problemas de red, vea la Ayuda de Windows]
Not sure how helpful this will be as I no longer have a 2242 (it died long ago), and I don’t use the HA Insteon integration (I use insteon-mqtt instead), but it looks like the HA Integration by default for the 2242 wants to use port 9761. This port is for a serial-over-IP like protocol that allows the integration to talk directly to the 2242’s PLM just as if it were a real serial connection. So make sure you use port 9761.
Thanks. I will trty to change the default port HUB (it was factory set to 25105 as per the label of the HUB and this one is what I used for 9 years) to the 9761.
What you argument is meaningful…but the te screen from the Insteon Integration that permits to change the port… is weird to understand.
OK!. You’re RIGHT!. Leaving the 9761 Port for HUB Version1 found my HUB inmediately.
As per Version 2 it requests the Port 25105, I thought I needed to change this one also in Version 1 due this port is the one written on the label of the HUB.
I didn’t read anything like you explain about this port is to establish the comms with the V1 HUB and should not be changed on the integration screen.
Now will trry to recover the devices inside my HUB, but this was the help I needed.