I am trying to migrate a number of Insteon devices into Home Assistant, many of which are not convenient to access and press the set button. To that end, I am trying to employ the “Insteon device address (optional)” field in the UI. But whenever I put a value into this field, it doesn’t work as expected, and I see this error in the console:
2022-09-08 11:30:24.867 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [140268203555040] Error handling message: extra keys not allowed @ data['address']. Got '1a2b3c' (invalid_format)
To my untrained eye, this appears to be an issue with the websocket/http un-marshalling, and not an issue with the actual value in the field. I have also tried 1a.2b.3c
and 1A.2B.3C
, just to be sure.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to make this work? OR, are there better methods for bulk-import without going around and pushing the set buttons?