Insteon ALDB data1 data2 data3 entry guide?

Wondering if anyone can point me to some documentation on the values I should be using in Data1 Data2 and Data3 when manually creating links in the ALDB.

Using the Insteon ALDB editor I’ve been able to easily link keypad dimmer buttons to groups to turn on/off all dimmers in a scene, but i’m struggling to get the proper ALDB entries added to get the same keypad button to control the keypad’s own (main) dimmer, which is part of the scene. I know it can be done, but I don’t know the magic entries to get it to work.

Pouring over the HA Insteon Component source code, and reading through the Insteon Commands have gotten me nowhere. I feel like there is a missing guide or piece of information that will help me leverage the full capabilities of the keypad dimmer by editing the ALDB.

Greatly appreciate any links or advice you can provide.

Thank you


an update on my search for an answer.

I’ve found this Insteon developer guide which lists the commands for the keypad.
Developer Notes for KeypadLinc Line

It shows the data1 data2 and data3 that the keypad expects to send to trigger a group.

It also has a table that shows the AL database record format, which also gives us an idea of what goes into the data1, data2 and data3 fields. (note: I believe there is a typo that says this is for a thermostat, but it looks like it is for a dimmer)

From what i’m reading, I believe this is telling me that In a Responder record, I should set data3 to the button that was pressed (6), with data1 the level and data2 the ramp speed I want.

Then, I’m creating a controller record, and setting the groupId to the button (6), and data1=0 data2=0 data3=0.

Every variation of these setting I’ve tried has failed. I can’t get button 6 to trigger the dimmer in the keypad. Nor can I get any other button to do the same… but the buttons trigger other dimmers in their groups just fine.

What am I missing? Is there a flag somewhere on the keypad/dimmer that masks or blocks local dimming from buttons c,d,e,f? I should add that the main ON button, button A(1) works just fine. I just can’t add it to a scene controlled by the rest of the keypad.

Here is an example of what I’ve been trying using the ALDB editor.

Controller (on Keypad Dimmer 70.6D.7D)

Responder (on Keypad Dimmer 70.6D.7D)

The responder has data3 set to “1” because the keypad dimmer is in group 1. This may or may not matter.

I don’t see why this doesn’t work. Similar controller/responder pairs on the keypad work flawlessly to control other dimmers.

Hi @grantwood. I’m working on something like this too. Have made anymore headway with this?

I created Insteon scenes like this: ‘livingroom fan high’ sets the livingroom fanlinc fan speed to 100%. I have a node-red flow that polls the fanlinc, and when speed goes to 100%, turns on button A and turns off buttons B, C, and D on the keypad.

I want to link button A on the keypad to the Insteon scene ‘livingroom fan high’, OR set the fanlinc speed to 100%.

I’ve just started digging around in the ALDB and can kind of see how it works, but I’m not 100% sure.

I’m going to keep digging and if I make any progress, I’ll report back here.