Insteon configuration panel

I am currently working on a patch for pyinsteon which should go into core in the next few days. This will fix the errors listed above as well as address the core issue with the Hub disconnecting and never reconnecting. (Thanks to @rlfromm for the logs that demonstrated the underlying issues.)


@image969 Scenes are just responder/controller links in the ALDB. So to create a scene number 23 that turns a light to 50% brightness you would create a record in the ALDB that looks like the following:

in_use: true
mode: responder
group: 23
target: <modems address>
data1: 128  (255 = 100% on)
data2: 28 (Ramp rate - 28 = 2 seconds which the the default for dimmable devices)
data3: 1  (means button 1)

Then in the modem (PLM or Hub) enter a corresponding record:

in_use: true
mode: controller
group: 23
target: <devices address>
data1: 0
data2: 0
data3: 0

Now you can use the insteon.scene_on and insteon.scene_off services in an automation to trigger the scene.

In a future release I am planning to create an ability to create/edit scenes more easily but the first version does solve that problem albeit not as easy as I would like yet.

OK thanks. I will look into this.

This would be a real Insteon scene? Another words I wouldn’t get the popcorn affect? Everything would change simultaneously?

Correct. This is an Insteon scene not a HA scene.

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Firstly @teharris1 is my personal hero. I applaud you for your efforts on this. I own a few software companies myself and we as a community need to pull together and especially help with GUI design. I can certainly visualize better ways for novices … removing terminology like “all link database” and such as a novice will have no idea what this is.

Now, the example you gave above is great. I was actually typing near the same thing.
Is there any good place to go (documentation) to help people understand what data1, data2, data3 are? In the short term and lacking any GUI for this, users will need to know what to put into those fields.


As teharris1 already replied, yes you can create insteon scenes stored in the insteon hardware. I have been using Home assistant since Aug 2018 using insteon devices. I actually prefer using Home Assistant based scenes and or groups. I think they are much easier to create, modify or backup. My suggestion would be to try creating some simple scenes in the Insteon hardware with one or two device. I recommend do a similar experiment using the Home assistant based scenes and groups, then decide how you want to proceed.

HA groups allow you to turn on or off all devices in the group you create all at once.
HA scene remembers a device or group of devices settings ie set light ‘a’ to 50%, ‘b’ to 70% and switch ‘c’ to off

Just like trying a new vegetable … you might like it

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Unfortunately, this is only in development guides from Insteon. That is one of the items I want to start a thread on regarding how do we document for people how to use Insteon to get the most out of it.

My approach (right or wrong) was to get this up and running for people that have the technical knowledge and who can walk others through things. The next phase is to hide the more technical elements as “advanced” features to display on request. I did this with properties for the most part. For example there are a lot of KPL properties that are hidden from users unless you select the “Show advanced” menu under the “…” menu.

For the all link database there are two features on the roadmap. The first is to create a “Scenes” page that will allow you to create and manage scenes. The second is to create a utility page that can identify broken links, remove dead devices, etc. These are a lot of work so I wanted to get this first version out there which is fully functional if you understand the underlying tech. My hope and belief is we will support each other as a community to apply the tech until the dev work catches up.

But after this release is out there and demonstrated to be stable I have a number of backlog items that will come before improving the UI. There are a few devices that need to be added for example. These are not common devices like the morninglinc door lock but they are important to people who want to transition fully to HA.

The post I referenced above will serve as a way for the community to suggest features and we need to get a process in place to prioritize the work. Still working through how that will happen so any suggestions are very welcome.


So a simple example that may help here to understand scenes.
First open the Insteon panel, you would see a list of all your devices.
Since I wanted this to be simple, I am using a beta installation with a second Hub in my home where I only have one Switch.

First, click the device you want to control (read: add to the scene). In my case, this is the switch.
Then select the All-Link Database. If this is a fresh new Switch, there should be at least two entries for Responder and Controller. Click the Add ALDB record lower right and fill out the appropriate information:

In my case, says turn on this switch when scene 98 is executed.
Select write to device to add the record.
Now go back to the devices and select the hub. Again click the add ALDB record and add the appropriate information. Here this is a controller, data1, data2, data3 are 0:

Select write to device to add the record.

Now, you should be able to control the scene.
Go to Developer Tools->Services and select insteon.scene_on

Call it. Should all be fine. You can turn scene on/off. To add more devices to the scene, rinse and repeat. Data1, data2 and data3 for the specific devices can be set when you first add the device or edited later. Allowing you to say turn on this switch and that light to 50% etc.




By “rinse and repeat” you mean to repeat this process with multiple devices but using the same group number?

@wgstarks … yes. But in my simple example and as @teharris1 says, we should really find the definitive guide to data1, data2, data3 values. What I showed works, but it is not clear to me those values are correct.

Not to muddy the waters but there is another way to add a device to a scene in Home Assistant. If you use the service insteon.add_all_link enter the scene number into the group field and check the controller mode then click Call service. This will put the modem into linking mode as a controller for the scene. Then, for whatever device you want to add to the scene set the device to whatever state you want it (on, off, 25%, etc.) and press the Set button on the device. This will create a link to the modem for that scene with the right data1, data2 and data3 values. You probably want to reload the All-Link Database using the Insteon panel just so HA knows the device is in that Insteon scene.


That is not muddy at all and makes a little more sense now. On to testing what the real values should be!

Is this something I will be able to install without having supervisor? I have HA running on Synology which no longer supports it to my knowledge. Thanks for all that you do.

I have no supervisor, just core and yes it is there

Can I install what I need now? Referring to the screen shots you posted for the scenes? If so, can you point me to a link or something to get this insteon beta tab? Please?

@image969 that is all above BUT if you are patient and just wait until next week I think then it is 100% in the next release.

My screens I did take from an installation that is 2022.6.0.dev0 (meaning a developers pre-release).
I would never put such software over my existing installation.
I keep two machines, one having developer and one having my personally approved version.

That said, you can follow the instructions above and download just the insteon part. Back up your existing one and install it. The Insteon panel from @teharris1 has been working for sometime. You will get some errors in the log until the final release, but if you have at least 2022.4.7 it should work (maybe even older).


OK perfect. Ya I’ll attempt patience for now, if its out soon. Preciate your help. Brand new to Home assistant. Part of me is so happy that insteon went down, cause I never would have found out about this world otherwise lol Have a good one.


We all learned alot and I for one am also very happy. @teharris1 sold (at least one if not many) Nabu Casa subscriptions. And the fact that I finally did subscribe to Nabu Casa has opened a whole new world for me at my house.

There was no way I would be able to get my wife off of “Alexa, do this” … no way.

And it is there, easy-peasy. And the insteon demise caused me to do it.

Now I am here today, removing many, many other integrations to Alexa. They already existed in Home Assistant and work perfectly. Broadlink, Vizio TV, Stereos, etc. And no more worry about name collisions … where Alexa says “A few things share that name, which one did you want?” And my wife yells “The f*&(*& TV damn it” and then calls me names.

Things are coming together like they should … one app to rule them all!

You don’t have to go to the dev branch. I have the new insteon control panel and I only have the beta branch, 2022.5.0b3

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