I have…
- HA running in a docker instance on a home server
- an Insteon Hub controlling a variety of their devices
- two garage doors controlled via Insteon I/O Linc devices, which appear in HA as two devices, a switch and a binary_sensor
- no clue what I’m doing.
I have two problems:
- The sensor states are not always accurate.
The doors are sometimes opened via their own openers. The Insteon app picks this up and correctly shows the state of both doors no matter how they were opened. But HA seems to not always accurately show the states. For instance, right now (after several restarts of HA) the two binary sensors are correct, but yesterday when both doors were closed the sensor for one was correct and the other was flipped so it showed as open all day and closed when I opened it.
Is there a way for me to query the Hub and then reset the state of the binary_sensor so if it gets flipped it can correct itself?
- What’s the best way to display garage doors in UI?
I’m thinking a glance card with an icon that changes to display open / closed state that responds to a on_tap that will send the switch.turn_on to the switch. The switch only responds to a turn_on, so I also need a ? that immediately turns it back off. I’ve seen this discussed in other threads, but am unclear if it is a script, an automation, or something else. And I’m unclear how this script / automation gets called from the UI card.