My ISY99 finally broke, and I’m switching to Home Assistant.
I installed Hassbian on a Raspi, and it came up fine. I’ve got an Insteon PLM (2413U), and it was found at /dev/ttyUSB0 on the raspi.
But now I’m lost: There is no “Insteon” under the Integrations menu, and this:
lacks enough context to understand which file to edit.
I’m also a little bit familiar with this project:
in the sense that I’ve been lurking on their mailing list for a long time in preparation to move to Home Assistant at some point. But this:
gives no indication (for a Home Assistant noob) of how to integrate the project into Home Assistant. I have done a “pip3 install insteonplm” and note that the command-line tools are there and seem to at least run (insteonplm_interactive and insteonplm_monitor), though I don’t expect they’re necessarily functioning properly.
So – is there a place where I can find how to get Insteon integrated?
When I do “pip3 install insteonplm” in a terminal, I get “bash: pip3: command not found”.
Similarly python3 is not found and nor is apt-get (I thought I could install it - I don’t see it in the Add-On Store either).
How do I get nugget/python-insteonplm installed in Home Assistant? (I am using an image I burned to an SD card, on a Raspberry Pi 3).
I already edited configuration.yaml but presumably that won’t have any effect unless I install the insteonplm python code.
Follow-on questions:
Once I have got “pip3 install insteonplm” working, what do I do next (after rebooting)?
Is there somewhere I can see logs that would show errors or show that something is happening?
Thanks for any help and sorry for the newbie questions. I am generally familiar with Linux but specifically ignorant about Home Assistant - just starting out with it.
You must be doing something wrong because you don’t need to install insteonplm or any other module for Home Assistant to work. What install instructions are you following?
One reason I wanted to install python was to make it available from the terminal/shell, because I have a couple of three line scripts that send a string of raw bytes to the PLM serial port to switch an Insteon “applianceLinc” on/off - I wanted to make sure that the underlying hardware was working on the newly installed Home Assistant. I rewrote it in a bash script and verified that it is working. Unfortunately the re-written version seems to have disappeared (perhaps /root gets cleared of any “junk” on reboot?).
I have added the following to my configuration.yaml :-
port: /dev/ttyUSB0
(Is there anywhere I should specify the baud rate? My script set it to 115200. I have a USB to serial cable that plugs into a 5010N, see ).
I just noticed that the “applianceLinc” is showing up as an Entity under Configuration/Entities. Its address is correct so something is working, but I am unable to switch it on/off from Home Assistant. The toggle in the UI moves but then moves back again after a couple of seconds or so. I rebooted again and it is the same. If I press the button on the applicanceLinc and Home Assistant does not reflect the changed state.
The baud rate thing was still nagging me, so I tried running the following in the Terminal:-
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 speed 115200
which resulted in:-
The command output “19200” on stdout (I believe that this is the previous speed since issuing the command again gives 115200).
The lamp plugged into the applianceLinc switched on.
Is there somewhere I should specify the baud rate, since otherwise it will be reset on boot (presumably)?
Do all of the devices show up in HA? (You mention that one ApplianceLinc does but others?)
The baud rate of most PLMs is 19200 by design. I am not familiar with your PLM so I cannot speak to it specifically. However, the application does set the baud rate to 19200 when opening the connection.
You can get more information about what is happening if you add logging to the configuration as follows:
default: info
insteonplm: debug
homeassistant.components.insteon: debug
I have four devices, plus the PLM. One ApplianceLinc, two Insteon bulbs and an 8 button battery-operated RemoteLinc.
I have been trying to get them to show up. I have plugged in one of the bulbs but have not got it to show up yet. I did see a “Log Details (WARNING)” pop-up that said:-
Logger: insteonplm.devices
Source __main__py:347
First occurred: (4 occurrences)
Last logged:
Device Insteon Bulb Address did not respond to an ID request
Use a device override to define the device type
Device Insteon RemoteLinc Address did not respond to an ID request
It is lucky I got this pop-up for the 8 button remote because the address label is peeling off and I can only read part of it!
I guess I need to make an entry in the configuration.yaml file for the Insteon Bulb then.
For the RemoteLinc I already added some lines but I then had a moment of madness and called the service “insteon.load_all_link_database”
entity_id: all
reload: false
… not realizing that when it says it take a long time… it means a really long time - it is still going after 24 hours! Is it safe just to reboot it since I have “reload: false”? Or will it just pick up where it left off after rebooting, if I do that?
I am having some difficulty with the Insteon mini-remote…
I pasted the yaml listed below into my configuration.yaml.
It was copied verbatim from the instructions here:-
and I then modified:-
The 1a2b3c address to match my mini-remote.
The light.some_light (in both places) to match the name of an actual light.
but I get the following error from check_config:
Failed config
- Invalid config for [automation]: [event_data] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->event_data. (See /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml, line 35).
I don’t think the issue is indentation-related as I ran it through a yaml indentation checker.
It seems to be saying that “event_data” cannot appear at that point in the code.
Any help would be appreciated… I think I am following the instructions the above link, but I guess I must have screwed something up. Many thanks!
# 4 or 8 button remote with button c pressed
- id: light_on
alias: Turn a light on
- platform: event
event_type: insteon.button_on
address: 1a2b3c
button: c
- condition: state
entity_id: light.some_light
state: 'off'
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.some_light
P.S. For completeness, I switched to a manual installation of Home Assistant 0.109.6 using raspian lite, following these instructions:-