I’m another HA newbie trying to save my large Insteon installation. I installed HA on a brand new Raspberry Pi 4b, and during the first boot up I selected the Insteon integration, which discovered 25 devices – less than half of what I have in my house. There are undiscovered switches in the same electrical boxes as discovered ones.
The discovered switches seem well integrated into HA – correctly reporting state, and can be turned on and off. The undiscovered devices (mostly dimmer and on/off switches) were all controlled by the hub prior to the Insteon server shutdown, so I’m confident in the hub-to-device connectivity (2245-222 hub).
The documentation says that pressing “buttons” should trigger discovery of other Insteon switches, but turning the switches on/off and pressing the reset button (all many times) has not done that. I’ve tried deleting the Insteon integration and reinstalling it, but it still only found the same devices.
Does anyone have recommendations for how to cause HA to find these other switches? Could I “pressing buttons” the wrong way? Is there a way to push the integration to try discovering more?
(My only theory of what might be happening is that there is a plug in switch that I lost many years ago that the hub can’t reach – could that be crashing the auto-detection? Or the fact that there are Insteon leak detectors?)
Client error: (<class 'aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientOSError'>) [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
9:50:23 PM – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinsteon/protocol/http_reader_writer.py
Could not connect to Insteon modem
9:38:20 PM – (ERROR) Insteon
System must be restared to reconnect to hub
9:38:20 PM – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinsteon/protocol/http_reader_writer.py
If configuration is correct and restart the Hub
9:38:20 PM – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinsteon/protocol/http_reader_writer.py
Athentication error, check your configuration
9:38:20 PM – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinsteon/protocol/http_reader_writer.py
[548134617296] Received invalid command: energy/get_prefs
9:34:17 PM – (ERROR) Home Assistant WebSocket API - message first occurred at 9:34:17 PM and shows up 4 times
I have tried restarting the hub, HA, and the Raspberry Pi multiple times. It just doesn’t seem to be looking any more. And the logs are clear after restarting.
Home Assistant discovered my Insteon Hub, but NONE of my devices. I resolved this by manually re-linking the devices to the Hub using the SET button on each device.
Go to Developer Tools > Services
In the Service field enter - Insteon: Add all link (This puts the Hub into Linking Mode) and Call the Service. You should hear your Hub beep.
Press and hold the SET button on the device until you hear the hub and device beep indicating the link.
Check the Insteon Integration on the Configuration page of Home assistant and you should see the device. If not, try again. It doesn’t seem to work 100% of the time.
Repeat for each unseen device.
Of course this meant climbing ladders to get to FanLinks and cracking boxes to get to Micro Switches, so not a perfect solution, but my setup is fairly modest and now everything is working perfectly.
Do your HA PI and Insteon hub both have reserved static IP addresses? The logs make it seem that they are losing their HTTP connection to each other. If they are on WIFI try plugging them into hard line Ethernet connections if possible.
@mwav3, both the PI and the Insteon hub are hardwired and have dedicated IP addresses. I agree that they are losing connection with each other, but I think it’s because something – maybe the hub, maybe a process on the PI – is crashing.
@Loft_425 – thanks for the suggestion! It may be that I can go through and discover the 50 or so undiscovered devices one at a time, but I’m concerned that the fact it successfully discovered the first 25 and not the rest is an indication that there’s a different problem I’m hitting.
I’m going to turn on the debug modes and see if the logs show more.
@nickrout, the Insteon integration correctly controls and monitorsthe switches that it has discovered, so I have to believe the username/password is correct – otherwise it couldn’t use the hub to control things. Also, I don’t always get that error.
I turned on the debug features and the log shows some strange stuff going on – when I turn on an undiscovered switch there is a lot of activity that I think indicates something is crashing and restarting. I don’t know how to post the log to this forum, though.