I did a lot of research and learned a lot since I started to look at Home-Assistant. My house is 25 years old and I build it with a domotic system at the epoc. My devices are mostly X10 and Insteon switches and dimmers.
I have a PLM 2413U connected to a Raspberry 4B and I am running a full updated Hassio.
At first, I tried the integrated Insteon support and configured some of the X10 switch and dimmers. Once, I tried to turn off and on some lights and the lights was responding with long delays and very inconstancy. The next day, I updated the Supervisor and the Host system to the latest versions and since then, I am getting no response from Insteon.
I then tried the insteon-mqtt add-on, to see if I would have more success. I am using mqtt with a temperature sensor and a board relay.
It seems that the insteon-mqtt has problem communicating with the PLM, getting the following in log:
2020-02-17 13:02:35 INFO Mqtt: MQTT message insteon/command/modem b'{ "cmd" : "refresh", "force" : true}'
2020-02-17 13:02:35 UI Mqtt: Commanding Modem device 23.9c.25 (modem) cmd=refresh
2020-02-17 13:02:35 INFO Modem: Modem sending get first db record command
2020-02-17 13:02:35 INFO Protocol: Write message to modem: All link get first
2020-02-17 13:02:35 DEBUG Protocol: Write bytes to modem: b'\x02i'
2020-02-17 13:02:35 DEBUG Serial: Wrote 2 bytes to serial /dev/ttyUSB0
2020-02-17 13:02:41 WARNING Base: Handler timed out - no more retries (0 sent)
2020-02-17 13:02:41 ERROR Mqtt: Command timed out
I tested the PLM on my Windows PC using the HouseLinc application and it is working fine. I was able to pair all my devices.
I looked at the serial port using SSH and it is ttyUSB0.
Here is a part of my config.yaml for the insteon-mqtt
level: 10
# Print messages to the screen.
#screen: False
# Print messages to a file.
#file: /var/log/insteon_mqtt.log
# Insteon configuration
# Serial device:
# USB PLM modem
port: '/dev/ttyUSB0' #'/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A901M90K-if00-port0' #
#baudrate: 9600
# Network socket:
# Insteon HUB PLM network
#port: 'socket://'
# PLM modem Insteon hex address
address: 23.9C.25
# Device database file storage location.
#storage: '/var/lib/insteon-mqtt'
storage: 'data'
# Automatically refresh device states and databases (if needed) at
# startup. This may be slow depending on the number of devices.
startup_refresh: False
# Devices require the Insteon hex address and an optional name. Note
# that MQTT address topics are always the lower case hex address or
# the input name depending on how they are configured below.
# On/off switch devices (outlets, wall switches, appliance modules, etc).
- 2F.97.FE: 'Porte Cote'
#- 26.48.ff: 'xmas stairs'
#- 37.2d.20: 'deck'
# Dimming devices (outlets, wall switches, lamp modules, etc).
- 29.BF.9B: 'Balcon arriere'
#- 48.3d.46
#- 48.b0.ad: 'dim1'
Do I need to specify the baudrate?
There existing an add-on to use as terminal to send command to the PLM via the serial port?
Anyone can give me some troubleshooting tips?